come right back.

676 39 13

jake was on the tip of confronting heeseung, not only about the money but the... weird energy between them recently. it was uncomfortable and, unlike the usual mean remarks and sassy tone, heeseung was silent around jake. completely silent?

yet, the brunette couldn't dwell on it too much, he had a job to do. sunghoon and jake were on their way to KS jewellery, up-town from their crappy excuse of an apartment.

and to say they looked out of place was.. well, an understatement.

the two boys were in hoodies and sweatpants, paired with shit trainers and anxious looks. people were looking them up and down with the most horrid facial expressions known to man.

sunghoon grumbled, "what's their fucking problem? can a guy not buy jewellery, damn." he said, picking up a few watches and earrings as he wandered past.

"we aren't here to buy, dumbass. they can probably tell..." jake whispered, looking around at everyone. "where's this sunoo guy you love so much?"

the blonde glared. "i dont love him!" sunghoon snapped, taking out his phone and clenching his jaw. jake let out a little 'okay, sure bro,' leaving the younger lad to roll his eyes. sunghoon lifted his head, looking back. "he's there."

jake raised a brow, turning. "where?"

sunghoon pointed to a slightly shorter, black haired male by the pay desk. he was dressed well and had a sweet smile on his face as he spoke to the employees. he looked even younger than jake. "he owns the place..? he's like 15 bro." jake grimaced.

sunghoon stared in horror. "he's 19, jake! you think i'd be inlove with a 15 year old? the fuck, man." he snapped, jake just shrugging in response. the blonde sighed, "he doesn't own the place. his parents do, they just named it after him or something.."

jake watched as sunghoon trailed off, the blonde's eyes on sunoo. this guy was just as much of a lunatic as jake was, how sad.

"well, are you gonna go chat him up so I can steal, or stareee...?" jake muttered, nudging sunghoon.

the blonde stared for a moment. he sighed and walked off toward sunoo in defeat, the ravenette immediately remembering sunghoon.

jake walked off, hands in his pockets as he browsed the jewellery...

★ – !!

heeseung waited at the door of the apartment, looking down at his watch. jake and sunghoon should be back by now, where the hell are they...? the purple haired lad furrowed his brows, hearing keys jingle in the door.

heeseung stood up straight immediately, the door opening to reveal a dishevelled jake and no sunghoon. the older stared. jake stared back.

...this is fucking awkward.

heeseung cleared his throat, "you're late. 10 minutes late, and where the hell is sunghoon?" he asked, stepping closer to jake.

jake shut the door, avoiding his gaze. "sunghoon is, uh, on a date." jake said quietly, brushing past heeseung and emptying his pockets onto the dining table. loads, and loads of silvery jewellery. jake seemed pretty proud of himself for managing to get so much, and off the hook.

heeseung stared. "on a date?" he asked, trying to ignore the glare of the sun hitting the jewellery. he put his hands in his pockets, leaning against the kitchen doorway. "with who?"

jake glanced back. "kim sunoo." he laughed, shaking his head. "he's just as delusional as me." the brunette snorted.

"kim sunoo as in.. the guy you just stole from?" heeseung asked, amused. he walked over to the table and scattering the jewellery carefully; interested in jake for once. heeseung snickered. "and what do you mean just as delusional as you?"

jake shrugged, "i don't know. we both love people we don't have a chance with." he said softly, counting up the price tags as he stood beside heeseung. their shoulders brushing.

heeseung's jaw tightened at that. he turned his head to jake, glancing down at his lips. "don't have a chance with?" he whispered, raising an eyebrow. he was silently begging for jake to turn and see his gaze. why? he had no idea. it just felt right.

...and, just as hoped, jake did. "yeah—" he started, turning his head to see heeseung gazing at his lips. jake's heart skipped a beat. "hee...?"

the older flicked his gaze up to jakes eyes, the two of them staring. this week had been so confusing for heeseung's mind. finding out jake loved him, despite their odd relationship, and realising he kind of.. felt the same way. it was a weird observation to make but it felt so right.
heeseung leaned slightly closer, "what, jake?" he asked quietly.

the brunette switched his gaze between the older boy's eyes, trying to figure out what the HELL was happening. jake glanced back down to his lips. "nevermind." he bit his lip, looking down at the jewellery and counting it yet again.

heeseung sighed. he grabbed jake's jaw, impulsively, forcing the boy to stare up at him. he rested his other hand on the table, leaning over him ever so slightly. "no, go on." he challenged.

the younger's mouth went bone dry as his lips parted. "i just.. why the hell did you take credit for something i did?" he whispered, gently wrapping his hand around heeseung's wrist and loosening the older's grip. "everything i do is for your approval. i tried so hard to impress you that night, and you just took it away from me? why am i not good enough for you." the brunette snapped, staring at heeseung with a hurt look lingering on his face.

well... that certainly didn't go as planned. the tension between them grew tighter as they held their gaze. heeseung's eyes only seemed to grow harsher and stern. he parted his lips, glancing down at jake's fingers around his wrist. "you are good enough." he said, "and i'm sorry i took credit alright? i was jealous." he admit, raising his voice.

"jealous?" jake muttered, "of me...?"

"yes, of you! i'm so fucking jealous of how likable and approachable you are. i was harsh on you to.. to.. make myself feel better, but it only made you try more." heeseung said, his free hand gripping jake's waist tightly. "i mean, look at what you just brought home?" the purple haired lad gestured to the jewels on the table, picking up a little necklace. heeseung leaned his face closer, gazing. "i'm so jealous." he whispered.

"jealous of your personality.."

jake stared, eyes wide and cheeks slightly rosy at their closeness.

"jealous of that face, jealous of those lips.." heeseung muttered, his face inches away. he slid his free hand up, his thumb ghosting over jake's bottom lip. "you're gorgeous." heeseung whispered. what the hell am i saying..? the older thought to himself, seeing the look of pure suprise and confusion on jakes face.

then, silently, he pulled away. he stuffed his hands back in his pockets, clearing his throat. "sorry. uh, count this up and tell riki the total." heeseung grumbled, turning and walking off.

!! — ★

( this literally had no
fucking plot bru. so erm,
enjoy #cunty )

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