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sunghoon stood with, you guessed it, kim sunoo. the blonde was holding his waist a little too closely and his lips were brushing the boys ear as he whispered.
jake watched from the car, unamused as he heard the latter laughing and giving sunghoon a big smile.

i literally have his jewellery in my bedside drawer, jake thought to himself. in all honesty, jake was just a little sour at the fact sunghoon got to be so open about his relationship. was that the right word..? fling?

who cares! all jake could think of was brown eyes and purple hair; and the feeling of his fingers gripping heeseung's shirt. that kiss was honestly the best thing that'd ever happened to him.
the brunette smiled to himself, sinking down into the drivers seat. his stomach felt all fuzzy and warm-

"yo, jake." sunghoon got in the car, door slamming behind him.

poof, fuzziness gone

jake's eyes followed sunoo's form as it walked away, back up his driveway, then his eyes flicked to sunghoon. "you're gonna have to tell him eventually." he muttered.

sunghoon's brows furrowed. "no i won't. just shut up and drive, okay?" the blonde mumbled, doing his seatbelt and looking out of the window. jake had never seen his friend so defensive before. it was.. kind of sweet.

the older smiled. "you love him, don't you?"

"shut up!"

"okay, okay!"

★ - !!

heeseung sat at his desk, his knee bouncing as he tried to figure out the finances for the apartment.
but, that cute rascal was stuck in his head. that kiss had been so.. ugh. heeseung groaned, his head falling into his hand.

he wanted another. no, he wanted them all. holding jake in his arms like that felt so disgustingly right it made his heart thump in his ears.

"you busy?" a voice called out.

speak of the devil.. heeseung looked over his shoulder, seeing a nervous jake stood in his doorway. the older chuckled.

"no. you need something?" he asked, turning in his seat and facing jake.

the brunette was tugging at his sleeve and nodding slowly. it was moments like this that made heeseung feel so guilty about being so harsh on him for so long. jake was always trying. always.
heeseung sighed, standing up and walking over. shoes knocked against the wooden floor as he gazed at the younger.

"i missed you." heeseung whispered, his fingers barely grazing jakes. it was only for a moment, but it made the both of them flustered.

jake smiled. that smile, god heeseung would kill to keep that smile on his face. the brunettes fingers laced together with the older boys. "you did? hm?" jake teased, tilting his head.

"yeah, i did." he chuckled, "did you miss me back?"

he was joking. heeseung was joking, well half joking. he didn't expect jake to miss him so suddenly just because they'd kissed once-

lips pressed to his own. heeseung's eyes widened for a moment as he registered the warmth, yet his eyes fluttered shut as he melted into it. his hands slid to either side of jake's face, holding him in place.
i'm so smitten for him, aren't i? fuck.. heeseung's mind raced as he kissed back, his tongue brushing the younger's lips.

( pov change ; jake )

jake hands slid around heeseung's neck his body relaxing into the kiss. the way the older boy held his face made his heart beat so loud it was almost painful. jake parted their lips, catching a quick breath.

he bit his lip, "so, uhm, about this week.." he started, averting his gaze. jake cleared his throat. "is it just me and you? no riki, no jungwon..? no sunghoon?"

heeseung just stared. he shook his head, "ah- uh, no? i dont think so. i'll go ask, but it should be just me and you." he said casually. his shoulders shrugged and his eyes fell to his watch. but jake knew that look all too well.

he laughed softly, "you can kiss me again, if you want to." he whispered, nudging heeseungs ribs.

the older nod, backing jake up to the wall slowly, one hand on the brunettes hip and another on the wall beside his head. jake's eyes widened. "oh." was all he said.

it's all he needed to say.

!! - ★

riki stared at the closed door of heeseungs office, brows furrowed as he heard laughing and whispering from behind it.

jungwon shuddered with disgust. "isn't heeseung like old, why is he fooling around with someone."

"he's 23, you dumbass." riki snickered, flicking the side of jungwon's head.

"ah! rude!"

"oh shut up." he muttered, taking a bite of his take-out and eyeing the door. his gaze fell to the boy beside him. "should we.. wait them out? see who it is?"

jungwon but his lip, "i don't knowww.. that feels kinda wrong, riki. he needs privacy." he mumbled, taking a bite of riki's food and groaning.

"if i could date a food, it would be take-out. any form of take out." jungwon stuffed his face some more, nudging riki's shoulder.

the younger looked motified. "jeez, get a room!"

"i would get a room with this food. i'd show it a good time, believe me."

"jungwon!" riki groaned, pushing him away jokingly. cheeks rosy from pure second hand embarrassment. "how are you older than me.. you freak."

jungwon snickered. he smiled, looking over at heeseung's door. all the giggling stopped.. no whispering. huh. jungwon raised a brow, "do you think they heard us?" he whispered.

the blonde shrugged. "maybe. as long as I don't hear any banging, it's all chill."

the older of the two grimaced, jungwon's body shivering at the though of heeseung getting it on with someone. "gross!"

riki stared, dumbfounded. "you literally just said you'd fuck my take out."

"shut up, rat."

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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