frustration & alcohol.

693 42 9

heeseung leant his head back. he must've been going insane because there was no other viable explanation for what he'd done. almost kissing jake wasn't part of his plan that night.

but... the way the youngers breath quickened and his pulse ached against his flesh caused something to tick in heeseung. something new; something unrecognisable. heeseung wasn't one for love or romance, hell, the guy was pure stoic bliss. well, maybe not bliss.

he couldn't help it though. everytime he saw those deep brown eyes and amber glints, his vision was lined with a silver edge. a sharp, feisty edge. a need to protect those snippets of happiness that lay beneath jakes shy demeanor.

though, now wasn't such a good time to fantasize about a messy haired brunette. heeseung and riki stood side by side, eyes on a very precious piece of jewellery. an emerald lined engagement ring.

riki shot heeseung a glance, "what's the plan?" he muttered. he sounded a little uneased at the sight of something so expensive in their crappy little apartment. it shone too bright. but he didn't question heeseungs choices.

the older ran a finger over his lips in thought, the touch ghosting his. his mind wandered back to amber flecked eyes and shallow breaths... no. heeseung cleared his throat, "take it to jungwon. don't tell him why, just ask him to polish it and hide it in his bedside drawer." the older's tone was clipped. "understood?"

the blonde shivered at that tone. jeez what's his problem? riki took the ring carefully, sliding it in his pocket and patting the fabric. "mhm, sure thing."

heeseung nod, walking off to his bedroom. his steps were heavy; his eyebrows knit in pure frustration at the idea of tan skin and wobbled words. jake, jake, jake. you love jake. jakeeeee—
a few strands of purple hair covered heeseungs eyes as he slammed his door shut, a low growl burning in his throat. what the fuck is wrong with him?

jake was consuming his entire existance at this point. recently, he was all the older boy could think about no matter where he was.

"maybe i'm sick.." he sighed lowly. sick? a soft, dry chuckle followed after at his own stupidity. sick in the head, maybe.

heeseung prayed he didn't dwell on it too much, especially since sunghoon and jake were busy with a pretty critical task. KS jewellery. that place was a damn goldmine for people such as heeseung; the gold, silver, rare stone and pure ambiance of that store gave him chills that ran down his spine.
as he turned off the lights and slid beneath the covers, he hoped jake would be home safe.

and in one fucking piece.

★ — !!

jake rolled over in bed, flat and spread out like a starfish as he stared up at the ceiling. had heeseung really almost kissed him?

just the thought of dark faded purple hair and sharp eyes made jake's tummy swirl with a funny feeling. butterflies. he turned, facing the wall. on the opposite side of that wall was the man that consumed his thoughts.

jake's teeth sunk into his lower lip. should i...? the brunette hesitated, wanting to slide out of bed and clear the air between them with a quick conversation. his eyes wandered to the clock. 01:21AM. a groan left jakes lips as he sat up. he needed a fucking drink, something that burnt the lump in the back of his throat.

he slid out of bed and pulled on his little fluffy slippers; the crooked eyes of a bunny sliding off the left slipper. jake rubbed his eyes and opened his bedroom door.

the sound of echoed steps and small clanks could be heard in the apartment as he fixed himself a cool glass of whiskey. the amber liquid swirling around as he dropped a few pieces of ice in his glass—

—"what the fuck are you doing?" a voice whispered, hot breath against jake's ear.

shit. the brunette gripped his glass, nuckles white as he turned his head to the side slowly. "heeseung." he said. those familiar shallow breaths revisiting him. so fucking close, too close.

"i asked you," heeseung started, yet all jakes senses washed away as a cool hand rested on his lower back, "what the fuck you're doing drinking my whiskey."

jake pushed the glass away slowly, "uhm, drowning midnight thoughts?" he laughed nervously, not daring to face the older boy.

(    pov change ; heeseung   )

"midnight thoughts?" the older chuckled, his breath brushing jakes nape. the sensation of his hand on jake's back burned; seering into his blood. "about what?" he whispered.

though, no words were spoken after that. they didn't need to be because both of them knew damn well what it was. heeseungs eyes flicked down to jake's parted lips; the side angle being just as good at the front view. plump skin, rosy tint and white teeth sunk into the lower peachy cushion.

"if you want me too, i can kiss you."

what? jake's head whipped around so fast heeseung was certain he heard a wince escape those lips. "what?"

heeseung leaned close, his fingers travelling up slightly and tracing the fabric of jake's shirt until they curled, perfectly might i add, around the slim waist of the younger. no words were spoken.

heeseung's lips pressed to jake's gently, his free hand curling in the latters messy bedhead. what a night.

!! — ★

🫶 took my ass long enough
to make em' kiss. the next chapter
will be a better decription dw

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