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jake and sunghoon sat on the the apartment floor, bowls of cereal in hand as they planned out their next theft.

"so, we're going to that- shop downtown. the, uh, KS jewellery place." sunghoon explained, waving his spoon around as he spoke.

jake smiled inwardly at that little habit. "alright, who's stealing?" jake muttered, raising a brow as he stuffed his mouth full of soggy cereal. the plain taste making his stomach growl.

"you. you gotta prove yourself to mister grumpy-pants-lee." sunghoon snorted.

the older averted his eyes. "yeah, like that'll ever happen." he muttered under his breath. jake slid his spoon in the cereal bowl, watching the milk ripple. sunghoon stared at his hyung, a slightly guilty expression on his face.

"look, jake-"

"up, dressed. out." heeseung's voice snapped, his hand thwacking the back of sunghoon's head.

jake's eyes widened, looking up at the tall purple-haired lad.

"ow, what the fuck!?" sunghoon grumbled, rubbing the back of his neck and frowning, "you could just ask me." he muttered as he stood up.

sunghoon had mentioned that he and heeseung would be out most of the day on some big meeting with a possible, new, member of the gang. jake didn't like that one bit because.. he was worried about being replaced.

heeseung hummed before casting his eyes down to jake. the brunette's messy bed head and shocked expression making his heart thump louder than usual. a sour expression arose on his lips. "you, out. go get riki up." he snapped.

jake nod his head. "sorry, hyung." he whispered weakly.

★ - !

heeseung ran a hand through his hair, the other gripping the steering wheel. he couldn't get the image of sleepy jake out of his head. why? god knows.

sunghoon glanced. the white of heeseung's knuckles were on show as he gripped the wheel so tightly. "you alright?" he asked cautiously.

"i'm fine." heeseung said. his eyes never leaving the road.

infact, he wasn't fine. he was quite the opposite. why is he stuck in my head? heeseung thought to himself, expression stern. why jake of all people? he'd never thought of jake in such a.. intrigued way before.

maybe he was sick. or.. anxious. no, heeseung didn't do either of those things! what the fuck was going on.

"sunghoon?" heeseung muttered.

the blonde hummed in response, eyes on his phone as they drove. "hmm?"

the older took a moment. this was going to be a big question.. and something he'd never expected to ask his friend. but the possibility of being interested in sim jake was eating him alive!

"what's it like to have a crush?" heeseung asked.

and, well, sunghoon choked. the blonde coughed and hit his chest repeatedly; trying to soften the hacking sound. "w-what? why'd you ask?" he coughed out.

heeseung snickered. "just curious. i know you liked that.. uh, sunoo guy a while ago. the kid from KS jewellery."
the older said, "so tell me. what's it like?"

sunghoom gulped. "i mean.. it's nice. but if it's one sided, then you just give up."

the words resonated with heeseung for a few minutes. if it's one sided, then you just give up.. that sounded pretty straight foward. very black and white.
heeseung hummed, "alright. thanks, hoon."

! - ★

a heavy silence filled the room as heeseung looked the new kid up and down. he looked young, around riki's age at least.

"what's your name again?" heeseung muttered. his eyebrow was raised as he spoke; quite curious as to why such a young kid wanted to be intertwined with crime. sunghoon was just as perplexed, looking the boy up and down.

"yang jungwon." the boy smiled.

the two older boys shared a look..


a look that jake also had on his face back at the apartment. curiosity. yet, jake's curiousity was for an entirely different reason. he stared with furrowed brows as riki showed him almost ₩23,000,000.

"where the hell did you get that?" jake asked, stuffing his face with food.

riki smiled, "i stole it." he shrugged, also chomping down on his food. a well deserved meal indeed.

"you.. stole all of that!?" the older boy almost choked on his food. he knew riki was good, but not even heeseung had stolen this much at once??
jake stared at the money in disbelief, his eyes almost glazing over. "fucking hell.."

"do you think heeseung will be happy?" riki asked quietly.

jake glanced. why did the younger lad sound so nervous? jake knew that sound of dread all too well. he smiled, placing a comforting hand on the younger boys shoulder. "he'll be more than happy, kiddo. trust me."

jake knew heeseung would be proud. heeseung had been in this business since he was a teen and there was no use in even denying how much respect he deserved. sure, heeseung was harsh, but he had to be. stealing was never his dream. it was no ones.
jake knew every single thing about lee heeseung, despite their distance.

and jake knew that heeseung adored riki.

"i promise. he'll be proud of you." the brunette comforted.

"awesome! i'll leave it on his desk."

jake nodded. he took another mouthful of his food as he watched riki walk away, the smile on the kids face unmissable.

★ — !!

how am i meant to get ₩13,000,000 in 2 days? jake thought to himself, i can barely scrape together ₩5,000,000 in a week.

heeseung is just going to resent me more than usual.

"fuck.." jake sighed, rolling onto his side and casting his gaze over to the calendar on the wall. the 6th of november circled. heist day, KS jewellery.. it said.

the boy turned his lamp off and closed his eyes. heist day. i can do this.

i can.

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