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this week had been fucking weird for jake. heeseung, firstly, had HUGGED jake with no warning? then decided, "oh, actually i still dont like you," and took credit for the money jake had shown him.

and also, jungwon was insanely sweet and had somehow become good mates with jake! so.

jake sat anxiously at the kitchen table, biting on his nail and thinking. ah thinking.. more like overthinking. the brunette's leg was bouncing like crazy and he tried to think of way to confront heeseung. the older boy had just taken his money and acted as if that sweet, heart-stopping moment had never passed between them.

"stop biting your nails, hyung." riki muttered, glancing up at jake and raising a brow, "why're you so nervous?"

jake stopped biting his nail and fixed his posture. he smiled with slight embarrassment painted on his face, "sorry. i'm trying to think of ways to like.. lash out at heeseung." jake grumbled.

riki leaned in. "because of the money?"

"yes because of the money!" jake snapped, holding his head in his hands. when he saw riki's suprised expression, he sighed. "sorry, i'm just stressed.. do you have any idea on how i could confront him?"

riki rested his head on his hand for a moment, staring at his friend. he could see the dread in jake's expression and it made him frown, "does he really scare you that much?" riki asked.

oh wow, embarrassing. the older shrugged, looking down at his hands. "i guess. he's never liked me riki, and i don't get why." jake muttered, eyebrows furrowed. his teeth tugged at his lower lip. "and it sucks because..."

"i love heeseung." jake said, looking at riki.

★ — !

heeseung leant back in his chair, head tilted back. he was staring up at his ceiling with almost no expression what so ever. he'd been in his office all day.. just thinking.

about jake.

heeseung knew he shouldn't have taken credit for jake's work, and in all honesty he didn't know why the fuck he did it. it just.. he was a little scared about praising the boy infront of the other guys. it would be so unnatural and odd? especially since heeseung hated jake. he thought so anyways.

although, that hug—

"you really just had to fucking push it, didn't you?" sunghoon's voice filled heeseung office as the door slammed shut behind him.

heeseung glanced, unbothered. "what, i'm tired."

the blonde scoffed. he walked up to heeseung, grabbing the older boys collar tightly. "you're tired? what about jake, hyung! he's been working his ass off to get your approval for the past year! and when he finally got more money than all of us combined in a month, you took it away from him." sunghoon barked, jaw clenched.

the older boy yanked his shirt collar out of sunghoon's hand, dusting himself off. "so what?" heeseung snapped, glaring, "it's not like he did it knowingly. it was an accident, he's not special—"

heeseung got cut off. his cheek stung as he grazed it.. did sunghoon just slap him? the older boy stared, lips parted.

"jake is more special than all of us combined. grow up, heeseung." sunghoon said. his voice was almost monotone as he turned on his heel and left; leaving heeseung to sit in silence.

fuck, this was getting hard. heeseung rubbed his cheek a little and got up, going to find sunghoon and admit the truth. the truth..? the truth was, heeseung didn't hate jake. he really didn't. jake was shy, honest and quite cute but jake did bring in the least profit for them as a group. so naturally, heeseung had started going hard on jake to try and get the boy to work harder.

it really fucking backfired though.

as heeseung left his office he wandered past the kitchen, off to find sunghoon. yet.. he heard something that really set him off.

"and it sucks because.. i love heeseung."

! — ★

for once, all 5 boys decided to actually spend some time together. they had enough money for atleast the whole year so they could relax.

sunghoon and riki were sat on the floor of the apartment, playing uno. why? no reason, just to get over the radiating awkwardness between heeseung and, unknowingly, jake. and of course poor jungwon was sat right inbetween them.

jake sat on the end of the couch, head rested on his hand as he read his book. the room was quiet, aside from the odd scream and yell from riki.

heeseung gaze was quite literally glued to jake. jake loved him? no. he'd misheard that surely..? it made no fucking sense. heeseung crossed his arms and slumped down in his seat, glaring.

"yah! stop cheating!" riki yelped, pointing his finger at the spare card hidden under sunghoons leg. "cheater!"

sunghoon pushed it away, the card sliding across the floor and hitting jake's foot. the brunette raised a brow. "can you stop throwing shit?" jake whined.

"tell him to stop cheating!"

"am not!" sunghoon argued.

jake sighed. he put his book down and got down onto the floor, "shut up and let me play. i'll make sure neither of you dumbasses cheat." he grumbled, holding his hand out for some cards.

as they all groaned and moaned, jungwon hadn't missed the heavy stare from heeseung. "woah, what's your problem?" he asked quietly.

even after knowing heeseung a short time and seeing how cruel he could be, he'd never seen the oldest boy glare so much. jungwon nudged him, "hyung? yoo hoo, earth to heeseungggg!" he said.

weird. jungwon frowned, sliding down onto the floor and sitting behind riki. "can i play? heeseung's frozen or some shit." he said, peeking over the youngests shoulder and looking at his cards. "ooh, ooh! use that one!"

jake, of course, heard heeseung and was immediately interested. he looked back and saw the older boy staring directly at him. the brunette's eyes widened and immediately looked back at his cards. what the fuck?

( re-reading to check for mistakes and realise i said "mini jenga" at first, then made them play with uno cards!
college brain is so fun, i'm fried. )

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