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jake's heart thumped against his chest as his eyes fluttered shut; heeseung's lips pressed against his own. jake didn't even get to drink the whiskey he'd poured but he already felt drunk.

dazed, confused.

the brunette kissed back slowly, his fingers curling around the fabric of the older boy's shirt. jake hadn't expected things to escalate between them so quickly. last week, he was down in the dumps and heeseung was giving him the cold shoulder. now the olders tongue was down his throat.

jake slid his free hand to heeseungs neck, tilting his head as the kiss got less breezy and more desperate.

yet, it stopped.

heeseung pulled back, his eyes opened and his silver-lined gaze met the brunettes own confused one. the older sighed, running a hand through his tousled hair. "that was, uhm, stupid of me." the older chuckled.

he laughed. jake's body relaxed. he smiled slightly, "no it wasn't," his voice was soft as he spoke; fingers still curled around the olders shirt. "i.. liked it a lot."

"you did?" the purple haired lad muttered.

jake nod, leaning in slightly and pecking his lips. his breath steadied. "i don't know if this will all go back to normal in the morning, but uhm, if it doesn't and you.." jake trailed off, biting his lip. he sighed.

"i'm basically just saying, kiss me whenever you want."

the two stared at one another for a moment, heeseungs eyes narrowing and his hands resting on jakes hips.
kiss me whenever you want? how cringe can i get.. jake thought to himself, his expression anxious as he waited for an answer.

lee heeseung, the guy who'd been on his ass for god knows how long; picking at him.. just made out with him and apologised? it was unreal. jake raised a brow. "so?-"

"of course i'll kiss you." heeseung said, staring. "and i'll, try to, be less of an asshole when i'm stressed. we have a lot of cash on us.. and it's because you've worked your ass off recently," he muttered, "so, i'm sorry for being a jerk-"

"shut up." jake muttered. his hands rested on either side of heeseung's jaw, pulling him down a little and kissing him more...

★ - !!

the next morning, jake was sat at the small dining table, a smile on his face as he ate his breakfast. well, mixed his cereal mindlessly and gazed at heeseung.

sunghoon and jungwon sat beside one another, baffled. the blonde leaned close, "am i crazy or is he?" sunghoon whispered.

"both of you." jungwon assured, "but jake more so."

sunghoon pulled his lips into a thin line, rolling his eyes. he gazed at jake; brows furrowed in confusion. jake told him everything.. everything! but, why the older brunette was smiling like a dork and picking at his cereal was beyond sunghoon.

jake on the other hand was watching heeseung speak to riki across the room, the two of them catching eyes. let's just say last night led to a long talk and some more.. intense kissing.
just the thought made jake's heart flutter and his teeth sink into his lower lip.

"right," riki called out, staring at the rest of them. jakes head perked up, so did the other twos'. riki cleared his throat, "as you know, we've stayed in this crappy apartment for a while now."

"no shit sherlock." sunghoon chimed in.

riki glared, "shut up, old ass." he snarked, "anyway, me and heeseung worked out we have quite a lot of cash. and he's been saving some, as the oldest in the group."

jake nod slowly, brows furrowing. "why is this important?"

"just wait, jake." heeseung said, giving him an assuring look before turning his attention back to riki. that look.

the other three stared, waiting in silence.

riki smiled, "we can move uptown!"

a silence fell over them all, but their eyes all widened. jake smiled, "seriously!? no more leaks, weed smells, crappy locks?" he said, his excitement obvious.

sunghoon chipped in, "no more powercuts?" he said, eyes wide as he walked up behind jake. he shook the olders shoulders, "a better place to smoke!" he snickered.

jake chuckled, smiling up at the blonde. sunghoon was so excited about the wrong things, it was so typical. jungwon squeezed between them, hugging them, "don't leave me out of this!" he whined.

"you're so clingy."

"shut up."

"make me, short shit!" sunghoon retorted.

"both of you shut up." heeseung warned, brows pinched together and eyes like daggers. he looked over at jake, "we leave on friday. me and you are the only ones not busy, so we should pack." he said.

alone with heeseung all week? hell yeah. jake nod, "sure." the brunette bit back a smile, messing with his sleeve.

a whole week.. with him?

!! - ★

this one's short! i'm sorry,
i've been so busy with college
and some mental health stuff.
🫶 the next one will be longer!

mine, all mine ★ heejakeWhere stories live. Discover now