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Sometime in December 2023 - Monaco

Cloudy days held a unique charm in Monaco, at least according to Antoinette. She acknowledged her bias but couldn't help but marvel at the beauty they brought.

In the azure sky, soft clouds formed tiny clusters, producing a pleasant filter of light. The sun was hiding behind the clouds these days, creating a soothing glow without the need to cover her eyes from its radiance. The weather on these days was always perfect-never too hot to melt her ice cream, but also not too chilly that she needed a sweater.

From her cozy spot by the window, Antoinette gazed at the countless shapes painted across the sky by the passing clouds. She often found herself counting these ethereal forms if the mood struck her. Today, she sat in the library, sipping her tea, and immersing herself in a new book.

Peace enveloped her surroundings. With the maids enjoying their day off, and her father and brother off for a round of golf, the villa, usually a bustling hive of activity, now lay in tranquil repose. Her father often hosted business partners for dinner, and her mother was known to throw lavish parties, but today, all was calm.

Antoinette cherished these moments. She had arrived in Monaco just the previous night, marking her first true "rest" in the entire year. As she grew older, top fashion brands sought her out to grace their runways, pose for high-profile editorials, and shine before the camera's lens. Last year, she even ventured into acting, securing a role in a Netflix movie as a supporting character.

She owed all that to her mother, who was her "temporary agent" as the woman liked to call it. But if you consider the fact that it's been 5 years, then maybe not so temporary.

Antoinette had her share of online critics when she first embarked on her career, labeled a 'nepo baby' or an 'overhyped Instagram model.' Yet, she could only admit that she was born into this life, with both its blessings and its challenges.

Her father, Giovanni de Clermont-Castelli, came from generational wealth, and then inherited the renowned clothing brand named "Bellissima Elysia". Though people doubted his skills, he proved them wrong as he fulfilled his promise to expand the reach of the brand outside Southern Europe.

Antoinette's mother, Evangeline de Clermont-Castelli, had graced the catwalks alongside supermodels like Shalom Harlow and Claudia Schiffer in the late 80s. Her beauty was nothing short of enchanting, the kind you'd imagine princesses possessed. With her golden locks and captivating eyes, she had rightfully earned the name, "Bardot Reincarnated."

"Antoinette, ma fille! Can you come into my office please?" The musical voice resonated through the hallway.

"Coming, maman." The girl put her book down and walked out of the library, the echo of her sandals 'click clack' following her as she made her way towards her mother.

December had always been a fun month. Antoinette grew up loving Christmas, considering how her birthday was celebrated around that time too.

She peeked her head through the open door of her mother's office, offering a smile as she acknowledged her. "I have something for you." The older lady said with a cheeky smile.

Antoinette raised a brow, "Should I be scared, maman? Cette expression sur ton visage me donne des émotions mitigées."
(That expression on your face gives me mixed emotions.)

Her mother laughed, "Ouvre-le." (Just open it.) She handed her daughter a rectangular box, "I think this is something both you and your father will enjoy."

As the blue ribbon wrapped around the box danced through her fingers, Antoinette's excitement gradually increased. She had no idea what it could've been inside that box. She doesn't even remember mentioning anything to her mother.

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