4. revving in the shadows

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January 26, 2024 - Maranello

It was the day of the shoot with the two Ferrari drivers. The de Clermont-Castelli family arrived in Maranello earlier that morning. Julien's usual, impeccably straight posture seemed slightly relaxed, a sign that he hadn't slept much.

Antoinette's father, Giovanni, was brimming with excitement. Being Italian himself, he had a deep affection for Italy, and the fact that they were here for his children's photoshoot with Ferrari filled him with immense pride. As they got out of the car, he marveled at the Ferrari headquarters with wide eyes, and there was a touch of wonder in his voice, "Questo è incredible." (This is amazing.) A tear almost welled up in his eyes, and he could hardly contain his emotions."

Julien went and nudged his father's rib, "You're this multi-millionaire Tifosi. This is your first time seeing the Ferrari headquarters?"

They saw a man come out of the building, "The de Clermont-Castelli's! What a pleasure it is to have you here at our home in Maranello," He went and shook everyone's hands, "I'm Fred Vasseur," Fred then went and looked at their mother, "Les photos ne vous rendent pas justice, madame Evangeline." (Pictures do not do you justice, Evangeline.)

She thanked him gracefully as Antoinette and Julien giggled. Evangeline was a big deal in France, more than their whole family in Monaco. Fred then led them inside and into a meeting room, where they were greeted with friendly faces.

"Mademoiselle!" Charles stood up and greeted her, pulling her into a tight hug. Carlos stepped up from behind him and introduced himself, shaking Antoinette's hand. The two drivers made their introductions to the rest of the family.

"Please, call me Giovanni." Their father insisted, which the two drivers shook their heads at sheepishly, "I am a big fan, nothing would make me happier than you both calling me Giovanni,"

Julien giggled to his mother at his father's words, while Antoinette unknowingly kept her gaze on the Monagasque, not realizing that someone noticed.

They sat down around the table and the PR people briefed them on what their activities today would look like. The two drivers and models would be driving around Maranello, one driver and one model in a car, asking each other for trivia about the other's company. The duo who scores the most points wins.

"Perhaps Carlos and Julien should pair up," Evangeline suggested, making everyone in the room nod. Julien stood up and cheered jokingly, sending a smile toward the Spaniard.


Charles and Antoinette got out of their car, high-fiving each other as they learned they had won the challenge. They were all given a break before their photoshoot, which would take place on a field just outside the town.

"How have you been, mademoiselle?" Charles asked her, trying his best not to stare at her. She sent him a smile, "I'm doing better. Shame we didn't get to see each other when I came back to Monaco," Antoinette said.

Charles sighed, "The engineers needed me. We're trying twice as hard to bring Ferrari back to the top after last season." They entered the cafeteria.

The two sat at a table next to the window, sitting across from each other. Charles looked at Antoinette with a playful smirk, "Mademoiselle, you're wearing my merch." He said.

She shook her head with an amused expression, "This is unreleased Bellissima Elysia apparel, Leclerc." Antoinette pointed at the small logo on top of her left chest, "Just because it's red doesn't mean it's yours." She stuck her tongue out at him.

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