8. weight of the world

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A/N: i think we should agree not to talk about austin '23. great race from carlos tho!!!


May 24, 2024 - Monaco (Race day)

Antoinette woke up a bit earlier than her alarm, welcomed by the gentle warmth of the morning sun. She stretched in bed, eager to start the day, and decided to open the balcony doors to let in the fresh spring air. As she looked outside, she could tell it was going to be a beautiful day.

Their villa was just on the outskirts of Monaco, offering a perfect blend of peaceful surroundings and easy access to the city's amenities. Antoinette greeted the gardeners tending to the plants near the front door and wished them a good morning.

As she headed to her closet, she opted for a simple yet stylish look. She picked out a loose cream shirt with a sweetheart neckline, paired it with off-white trousers, and completed her outfit with white Steve Madden sandals. Her makeup was kept natural, and she styled her hair in a simple half-up 'do, adding a ribbon for a touch of charm. She took a Chanel purse and went downstairs to eat breakfast.

Antoinette walked into the breakfast nook and found her parents at the table

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Antoinette walked into the breakfast nook and found her parents at the table. Her father was reading a newspaper, and her mother was flipping through a fashion magazine she didn't recognize. A maid served her French toast with fruit on the side, the sweet aroma filling Antoinette with content.

The French doors were open, letting in a cool breeze and soft sunlight. "Are you coming with us, maman?" Antoinette asked her mother, grabbing a grape and eating it. Her mother nodded, "Yes, ma fille. Although, I could use a strong cup of coffee," she said, thinking about her busy day yesterday.

"Julien se joindra à nous?" (Will Julien join us?) Antoinette asked, realizing she hadn't seen her brother all weekend. Her father nodded and said he'd meet them at the paddock.


The three of them arrived at the paddock, immediately drawing the attention of the cameras. Antoinette's father instructed her to keep an eye out for Julien, who had arrived before them. She waved to the familiar faces she had met the previous day during qualifying.

Antoinette's parents decided to mingle with the luxury-loving crowd, leaving her to wander the paddock on her own once again. She spotted Charles in conversation with Pierre Gasly, a driver from Alpine whom she had met the day before. Antoinette made her way over to join them.

Charles's smile grew wider when he spotted the model, and he pulled her into a friendly side hug. Antoinette greeted Pierre, who had a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Bonne soirée, great Antoinette de Clermont-Castelli," he greeted her. "Charles was just talking about you."

"J'espère qu'il a dit du bien de moi,"(I hope he said good things about me.) Antoinette teased, to which Pierre nodded with a smirk. A girl of similar height approached them, holding onto Pierre's arm.

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