7. get-together

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A/N: this is a shorter chapter, don't worry! it's only about 1.5k words, as usual hehe


May 23, 2024 - 7 pm - Monaco

"Papa! You invited Charles and Carlos for dinner?" Antoinette exclaimed, her voice carrying a mix of surprise and mild annoyance as she barged into her father's home office. They had just returned from watching the qualifying session, and the adrenaline that had fueled her enthusiasm was slowly fading away, leaving behind a sense of regret for her earlier flirtatious gestures towards Charles.

Her father, seemingly unbothered by her intrusion, looked up from his computer with a twinkle in his eyes. "Those boys deserve a good meal after a race like that. I'm just making sure they're well-fed. They'll burn it all off tomorrow, anyway," he replied, his tone casual. "I told them they could bring plus ones, so try to get along with them."

Antoinette glanced down at the floor, a mixture of emotions swirling within her. She had planned to spend the evening in the comfort of her bed after a long day out, and the idea of socializing further didn't exactly appeal to her. Moreover, the possibility of Charles bringing someone along, especially a romantic interest, added an unexpected layer of discomfort to her thoughts.

Antoinette wasn't a stranger to relationships; she had experienced her fair share of them. And when it came to Charles, she couldn't deny the attraction. He wasn't just a friend; he was precisely her type. His charisma, sense of humor, and the way he made her feel when they were together, all made her heart race a little faster. The fact that he was a Formula One driver was the cherry on top.

Yet, as she stood in her father's office, mulling over the upcoming dinner, her mind played tricks on her heart. Her feelings for Charles were undeniable, but they always had a thin boundary between banter and flirting. She treasured their connection, and the thought of complicating it with those feelings filled her with unease.

Antoinette had been down that road before, and it often ended in heartache. She didn't want to lose Charles, not when he had become such an important part of her life.

In the end, she decided to set her concerns aside and focus on the present. Getting ready for dinner seemed like the most logical next step, even if the subtle undercurrent of her feelings lingered.


hey, what time r u and carlos
coming around?

Your father told us 7:45 pm,
we do what Giovanni says 🫡
I'm thinking of wearing a black polo,
do you think that's good?

yes, leclerc
as long as ur not wearing
those awful pants

Which one?


Ok, bully.

Antoinette was accustomed to swiftly getting ready, a skill honed by her parents' spontaneous gatherings at the villa. Anticipating that the evening might extend beyond dinner, possibly for drinks with the drivers, she chose a knee-length black Versace dress that beautifully accentuated her figure. Her hair was elegantly swept into a casual yet stylish ponytail, which artfully showcased her delicate collarbones and neckline.

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