11. someone to protect

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May 25, 2024 - Monaco

"I'm gonna head back now, Andrea," Charles said as he wiped off his sweat. They had just finished their training with the Ferrari driver requesting an early end to the session.

His friend examined him as the Monegasque packed up his duffle bag, watching the way he carelessly threw his things inside - which was weird. Charles was usually particular with the way he organized his kit. 

Andrea crossed his arms as he leaned onto the mirror, "I take you for an hour and a half long run and you have a smile on your face. I get you to do stretches and your expression doesn't falter. You were giggling when you were on your phone too. Now, you're putting your used face towel where your extra gym shirt should be." He pointed out. Charles only laughed.

"I love fitness, and I can be careless if I wanted to be - I was on the podium yesterday in case I have to remind you," Charles explained calmly, shoulders relaxed as if today's activities were a walk in the park, "If you will excuse me, I'm going to shower and get a coffee afterward."

The trainer moved in front of him with his eyebrow quirked up, "Charles, you don't fancy coffee much," he said, "Come to think of it, you just disappeared from the afterparty last night." Andrea stared at him with narrowed eyes.

Charles simply shrugged, "I was tired - and I feel like having coffee over tea for once." He then tried to move past his friend, who just wouldn't budge, "Please, Andrea. I'm going to be late,"

"To get a cup of coffee? It's only 3:15, will the shop close at 4?" Andrea questioned him. Charles sighed as he crossed his arms, "I don't pay you to meddle with my daily activities," 

"Yes you do," Andrea shot back. Okay, Charles will admit, he does pay his physical trainer to do exactly that. "I'm asking as your friend, Charles. Non è necessario nascondere nulla." (You don't have to hide anything.)

Charles stepped back in defeat as Andrea waited for his response. "I have a date at 4 - the same girl who was in Belgium. I disappeared from the afterparty with her too." The Italian man smirked at that, "E' stato così difficile?" (Was that so hard?) The Ferrari driver rolled his eyes playfully at that, knowing that he was free to go.

Andrea held onto his arm before Charles got too far, "Be a little careful though, there are articles written from last night about your love life. I'm gonna assume the Belgium girl is Antoinette Castelli because of that hug you guys had last night - and that little twinkle in her eyes when you were on the podium-"

"What are you talking about - articles? What twinkle? How do you know about that?" Charles asked him suddenly. Andrea explained quickly that every little moment Charles and Antoinette shared the day prior had been gaining attention from every camera in Monaco. The trainer woke up that day with questions from his family regarding a certain Castelli.

"I forget how influential they are," Charles muttered, a little disappointed that those intimate moments weren't just between him and the beautiful woman. Andrea shrugged, "She's someone you have to protect Charles, I'm sorry I have to be the one to tell you that." 

The driver looked at his watch and all previous emotions flew out the window. Suddenly, he greeted Andrea goodbye before rushing out the door. "I should've known you had sex. You're glowing, Charles!" Andrea yelled at him from across the gym, making Charles thank the heavens no one else was there to hear that.


Antoinette's foot tapped the ground repeatedly, noticing the people whispering next to her. She realized a little too late that the cafe she suggested to Charles was a popular one here in Monaco. It was a busy Monday afternoon for the coffee shop. 'There's a Starbucks across the street' Antoinette thought to herself with a frown, noticing the empty seats in the other coffee shop. 

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