3. unexpected

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January 19, 2024 - Monaco

"Bellissima Elysia is now a Scuderia Ferrari sponsor!"

That was all Antoinette saw when she scrolled through social media. She knew her father had something planned, but she didn't think it would be this. Though, Antoinette realized she should've seen it coming. What's the best way for him to support Ferrari if not invest in them?

The sound of her piano resonated through the space. Julien stomped through the hallway to the living room, "Is that Clair de Lune?" He asked his sister, who nodded as she continued playing.

"Looks like we're gonna be wearing red more often than not now, Celine," Julien sighed as he sat on the sofa, "Red is not my color. I hope Papa lets me wear something white instead," He complained, feet lightly stomping on the ground.

Antoinette laughed at her twin's behavior, "Hey, forza Ferrari." She said teasingly, knowing how embarrassed Julien was of his loud Tifosi phase in middle school. "You have nothing to worry about, Matteo. I'm sure Papa would be understanding of the unflattering color, even if it would make him sad that you won't wear Ferrari apparel."

"Oh, stop it." Julien cried into a pillow, "Io indosserei rosso se papa lo chiedesse, ma solo se dovessi guidare il Lamborghini senza doverlo chiedere." (I'd wear red if Papa asked, but only if I could drive the Lamborghini without asking.) He spoke in Italian, making Antoinette giggle once more. The two only spoke Italian when they were frustrated.

Their mother walked from the hallway towards them, seeing her son's face covered by a pillow. "I take it Julien's dreading the red?" She asked, knowing how Julien behaves. The twins nodded, Julien, scooting over to give his mother enough space to sit. "You know your Papa Giovanni would be the last standing Ferrari fan if it came to it."

"I personally look good in red," Antoinette chimed in, almost as if she was dreaming, "If Papa partnered with Mercedes, Matteo wouldn't have a problem." She looked at her brother, who sat with a pillow on his head and his arms lying on his sides.

"Maybe I'd be happier if it was with Red Bull," Julien joked, imagining himself in the dark blue apparel.

"What's this about Red Bull?" Their father's voice boomed, making the two jump, "We are born and raised into Ferrari! You have Ferrari blood in you, red through and through."

Their mother chuckled, "I'm French, wouldn't I be born into Renault, mon amour?" Julien smiled, "They're called Alpine now, maman."

"We're Ferrari through and through, Evangeline." The Italian stated simply, " Now our company is Tifosi too! All my dreams are finally coming true." He said in an airy tone.

The other three looked at each other, knowing that this was his usual behavior when he wasn't an intimidating businessman. "Oh! I almost forgot," Evangeline chimed, "Antoinette, Julien, you have a shoot with the Ferrari drivers next week. Just to really celebrate this moment,"

"Did you propose it, maman?" Julien asked, going through his phone to look at his schedule. Their mother shook her head, "I believe the drivers thought it would be a good promotion."

Antoinette smiled at that. She and Charles haven't seen each other since the summer break when they ran into each other in Belgium.

July 31, 2023 - Belgium

"Lou, I'm gonna die. My feet hurt," Antoinette said, holding the phone up to her ear, "No, Lou. I'm gonna be in Belgium for two more days. I need to get my groceries now... I know, I know. I am careful, Lou. Yes, I've been eating. Slow down Louise," Antoinette had to stop her rambling best friend.

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