Thoughts on Ships

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Jacob x Emma (Jemma) [7/10]--I feel like I would like this ship a lot better if Riggs wrote it  better. I haven't read much Jemma fanfiction, but I think this one has big potential as Emma has a dynamic personality compared to Jacob.

Jacob x Millard (Jillard) [4/10]--I don't see this happening at all, unless proven otherwise.They don't even share any romantic interest with each other.

Jacob x Ricky (Jacky) [8.5/10]--Not exactly a romantic relationship, more bromantic. But I'm quite a fan of this one. It's adorable, and I especially like the dynamic brain-and-brawn relationship they share with each other. 

Fiona x Hugh (Fugh) [10/10]--I would be a big asshole if I were to rate this any lower. These two go together like peanut butter and jelly. No need for explanations: this deserves 100%.

Enoch x Jacob (Jenoch aka Hollowheart) [2/10]--Yeah. This one sucks. Enoch doesn't even like Jacob. And I mean no disrespect to any of the fanfiction writers who do this ship, but this is cringe.

Enoch x Horace (Enorace) [8/10]--This one took some time to grow on me, but the more I see it, the more I actually like it. 

I don't any more ships from here, so if you've got some that you want me to rate, let me know. 

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