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Sunday May 14th 9:07 PM

Ah Toronto Canada, It was just and ordinary night, The crickets chirped, the wind blew softly and the bushes rattled with Ghostface stalking their victims.

"Hey Babe!" Chase called out from on the sofa. He paused the television, "You got the popcorn cooking?"

"Yes. It's cooking right now and the movies about to start in 10 minutes which is plenty of time to get drinks." Emma responded but then got curious, "Are you sure you wanna watch a horror film? cause the last time we saw one you couldn't even sleep for 1 week."

"Psh I'll be fine Ems, besides I've head it's not even that scary." Chase said.

"Okay then." Emma heard a beep noise from the kitchen. "Great! The popcorns ready."

10 Minutes Later

Emma and Chase are now sitting on the sofa together, and the openinng of IT Has started. Everything was going fine until the clown got Georgie bit his arm off and dragged him down the sewer, and never returned. Chase ended up screaming a little then they continued watching.

The phone rings.

"Huh, who could be calling this late?" Chase asked.

"I'm not sure." Emma picks up the cordless. She answers the phone. "Hello."

"Who is it babe" Chase asks as he pauses the movie

Emma holds up her finger to signal to wait a moment.

"Hello who is this" the voice says.

"What do mean who is this" Emma said, "You call this number."

"I'm sorry" the voice said, "Wrong number."

"It's okay," Emma said, hanging up the phone.

"Who was it" Chase asked unpausing the TV.

"Wrong number" Emma replied.

"Okay then, let's continue watching." Chase says

9:47 PM

The phone rings again.

"Who can it be this time?" Chase said irritated.

"I'll take care of it" Emma said, grabbing the phone again. "Hello" she answered.

"Hello" the voice said.

"You called the same number twice" Emma said.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm looking for someone named Chase is he with you?" the voice said.

"Well Yeah he's with me right now, You could've had said that." Emma said. She held out the phone to Chase. "It's for you."

Chase took it. "Hello."

"How's the movie" the voice said.

"Um.. it's going well? How did you-" Chase said.

"IT" the voice said, "I'm correct isn't I."

"Who is this" Chase demanded, "Ripper is this you."

"Do you want to die tonight" the voice asked?

"Ha ha, very funny Ripper I'm not falling for you silly pranks." Chase said

"Why is Ripper pranking us?" Emma asked.

Chase didn't respond.

"I'm not Ripper" the voice said, "But if I were you, you better wish it was."

"Well this is becoming awkward so I'm just gonna hang up" Chase said.

"Hang up on me and I'll rip you and your girlfriend a new asshole" the voice screeched.

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