The Party

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A/n: Ik I'm sick but I still want to publish this chapter so enjoy

7:05PM Bowie's House
Bowie has finished getting ready for Julia's party. Raj just came out of the bathroom. And got the snacks ready.

"Hey Bowie! You finished!" Raj called

"Yep! I'm coming babe!" Bowie went downstairs.

"So you got the snacks?" Bowie asks

"Yep!" Raj replies. "So do you think Julia invited just us?"

"Nah. Usually she invites a WHOLE bunch of people in her parties. But what did she do? Invite the whole school"

 But what did she do? Invite the whole school"

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7:10PM Julia's house

"And she Invited the whole school." Bowie said.

They have arrived after a short drive to Julia's house, mostly the entire high school was there. food crumbs everywhere And loud music playing too.

'What the heck the party stated like 10 minutes ago?! Man her places is really big.' Bowie thought.

Wayne came up running towards the couple and gave them a tight hug.despite his arm injury.

"HEY YOU GUYS ARE HERE!! Glad ya make it eh." Wayne said.

"G-glad w-we did.. Now can you let us go." Bowie chocked.

Wayne let's go of them."Oh sorry"

Julia walks up to them.

"Hey guys! Glad you made it." Julia says

"Well as much I hate to say it but, You're welcome." Bowie said.

"LETS PARRTYY!!" Wayne and Ran cheered.

Julia was waking around the house looking for her phone

'Ugh! I could've sworn I left it somewhere around here." Julia thought.

After more walking she still couldn't find it, she the. Saw Priya and Millie chatting so she decided to ask them

"Hey nerd girls. Have any of you seen my phone" Julia said, looking around.

"No we haven't" Millie said,

"Ugh"  Julia walked away as she disappeared into the maze of teenagers.

"It's weird that Julia asked us where her phone is" Priya Said. "Sounds suspicious."

"Yeah," Millie says.

A bunch of kids was cheering on Ripper for chugging on soda.

"Chug, chug, chug, and chug" everyone chanted.

MK noticed something.. that caught her surprised.

"Wow I'm surprised that Axel's cheering him on" MK said.

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