Ah Love.. Never lasts

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I hate this sm.
9:35PM outside
Chris got a notification on his phone. He checks on it, turns out it was some other news.

Two Teens have died at 6:32PM(.forgot the time)

Chris kept scrolling until he saw there names.

"Oh Shit.." Chris murmured

"What?" Chef asked

"Annie and Vincent have been murdered a few hours ago."

"Murdered!" Raj screeched.

"I'm afraid so" Chris said.

Without anyone looking. Two ghostfaces appears. And they placed there gloves hand onto there mouths so they won't scream. They kidnapped Julia and Ripper.

9:40PM Meanwhile in the House.
"Okay so do you see any..." Priya lost her words where Scary Girl isn't here. "Uh Scary Girl... are you here?"

Right before Priya is about to look for scary girl. Scary Girl who's behind her. Out of nowhere.

"I found a beanie" Scary Girl said

Priya screamed and Scary Girl laughed.

"Okay, Thanks for not getting killed. and you found a beanie? Where?" Priya asked.

"I found it upstairs" Scary Girl pointed.


They Heard Screaming.

"What was that?!?" Priya screamed

"Probably someone got murdered!!" Scary Girl Cheered.

"Let's go, and bring the beanie with you."

They run out the house.

Priya and Scary Girl was running outside and Chef. Chris and the others were there.

"What happened?!" Priya asked

"Oh Hey Priya! Bowie was showing a video to us. About jump scaring." Wayne said

"Really REALLY scary." Raj added.

"Because of it Chris screamed like a little girl." Chef laughed.

"ITS NOT FUNNY!" Chris yelled.

"What's Scary Girl Holding." Bowie asked, while putting his phone in his pocket.

"She found a Beanie in upstairs." Priya replied.

"Upstairs huh." Axel says

Then they hear another screaming.

The got curious. Until they see a figure running towards them it was...


Everyone started at Ripper in horror, Except Scary Girl. Ripper was covered in blood. Mostly his right arm. Cause apparently he was stabbed in his right arm a bunch of times.

"Blood! Blood!" Scary Girl clapped.

"Ripper?! What on earth happened to you!?" Chef asked

"G-Ghostface. GHOSTFACE!!" Ripper replied screaming.

"What?!" Everyone yelled.

"Wait... Where's Julia?" Wayne asked.

"Julia? I haven't noticed that she's gone." Chris said

"Same" Chef agreed.

Everyone else agreed. Expect. Ripper. Priya and Scary Girl cause they we're in Julia's house. And Ripper was somewhere.

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