
819 13 10

Mascot or human?: human
Meeting Bittergiggle and him catching feelings.
Normal POV:
You found yourself looking into
The darkness of a room that you opened with your drone.
As you stepped inside the door shut behind you making you slightly jump turning around to face it.
Sheriff toadster was not pleased as he told you that he would get the door open.

You could do nothing more but stare at the darkness Infront of you in Boardman...
You just want to get your sister already!

How many fricking obstacles have you had to pass and it still wasn't enough?! How many???
So yeah you kinda stood there re thinking your life choices.
Oh not to mention when you get your sister back you are definitely going to sue this place and disown your parents for leaving you and your sister to deal with this place.

A sound was heard and a light turns on in the distance. You ran to it but you stopped in your tracks when you saw a snake puppet in the middle of it.
"Hi! I am a hungry snake. Do you have any food?" You only stared at the puppet as it felt like it stared right back at ya.


It was confused before it snapped out of it and started to play along again.
"Aww are you sure???"
It said in a googoo sad voice.
You huffed lifting up your shirt slightly.

"Look at me snake I'm skin and bones!"

The snake once again only started not really expecting this.
A small apology was heard from where it stood making your gaze soften as you started to walk closer to it.

A jester appears from the dark with a grin as it laughed like a psychopath and lunged forward at you.
"Oh! I know you! Bittergiggle? Right?"
Your words made him stop in his tracks. As he looked at you confused.
It came out more of an question then an actual answer.
You raised an eyebrow.
"Blud don't know his own name!"
You said to nobody.
Making him angrily frown,>:[
And you laughed making him stop in his tracks.

"Your face! It's priceless!!!"

Even though he didn't make you laugh with his jokes this was still something right???

He could feel a smile crack on his face as he soon joined in on the laughter.

After you two were done you were completely out of breath.
Both of you were huffing and puffing but before you could say anything he spoke up.

"So-oh- want me to tell you a joke¿?"
He asked in a weird voice since he was struggling to keep his breath at a steady pace.

You huffed

He got really excited at this.
"Okay! So tell me how do two snails get into a fight? They slug it out!"
Then my man bursts out laughing like he said something that was top tier funny.

You only stared at him in confusion but you then realized it would be a bit rude not to laugh at the joke so you did a fake laugh it's sounded a bit more real then you expected.

At this he seems to get even more excited as the two of you continued to exchange jokes. His sucked but who cared? All you had to do was fake Ben tellect laugh at his jokes and it would make him super happy!

So yeah it's a win win.

Eventually the door gets opened and you had to leave. But before you did you turn to Bittergiggle with a smile.
You handed him a piece of candy with a smile. "I remembered i had that."
Before you ran off.

He could only stare at the candy remembering how much fun you two had. As he unwrapped it and put it in his mouth he only wondered to himself. 'i wonder if they taste as good as this candy'
Done :D
Requested are closed for now :[ sorry to anyone who might of had a suggestion.

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