Chapter 6

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The next day me and Ammie wake up early to prepare for the visit and picnic, we prepare some food, snacks and fresh juices and I make some mango salsa for Ayaan and we pack everything inside the food basket.

I wear a plain white baggy shirt and black baggy pants with black sneaker and put a black jersey veil over my head, I put the set of necklace Mom gifted me on my fifteenth birthday, I hate applying heavy make up, so I only add lipgloss and khajol

"Eshma hurry up we're done" yelled Ammie

Okayyy I shouted before putting my inhaler, phone, lipgloss and wipes inside my white tote bag and hopped downstairs

"Let get going" I said

"Eshma your cloth is too light you should wear turtle neck inside to any long sleeve shirt" Ammie suggested

"Okay"I replied with a smile before heading back to my room and put blue black long sleeve t-shirt and change the pant to sky blue, I take a look at myself in the mirror before hopping downstairs.

The drive to our school was fun because Dad keep gisting us when they were in boarding school and Mom suggested we do the picnic in school with Ayaan

We arrived at the school and we park our car in the parking lute, Ayaan was surprise because he don't know that we're coming

He hugged Dad and Ammie before he greeting them

"So some forget that he has a sister or is it because you always see me in school" I asked raising one brow

"Yeah I didn't miss you and who invited you" he said

"Ouch you broke my heart bro" I said with a fake sad emotion

"I'm kidding Adda Eshma"he said before he hug me "I missed you most" he whispered in my ear and we both laugh

We spread the picnic mat and arrange every thing in the middle of the mat

Ammie start a video call with their Ya Amman, Adda Aleeyna was the first to connect then Ya Amman and after a few minutes Adda Kausar joined us

"So because we're not around you guys plan a picnic without informing us" said Ya Amman

"Toh baba ay mana afuwa(Okay Baba we're sorry)" Dad said, And we all laughed

"Don't worry Ya Amman we're going to watch a movie tonight" Adda Aleeyna  said

I show them our tickets for the movie we're going for,

"we already plan for that"I added

"Is like we're not part of the family anymore" Adda Kausar said

And we all laughed

We end the call after chatting and teasing each other, we snap some pics and we start packing the warmers

I give Ayyan the mango salsa I made for him and he was very happy, we bid him goodbye and zoomed out of the school.

We drove to silverbird cinema and watch a two hours movie, we left the cinema after the movie ends and we drive to cold store, buy pizza and ice cream before we drove back home.

I went to my room and freshen up and pray magrib and Isha, I post some of the pics we snap on IG and Snapchat before replying some massage and I fall into a deep slumber.

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