Chapter 20

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I don't have a prom date, I said to Ihsan through a video call

Fav✨💕: says someone that has a boyfriend(glare)

Me: you're mad, how can I take Abdulraheem to my prom

Fav✨💕: and you're maddest, she said stuffing a spoon of chocolate fudge in her mouth

Me: Ihsan did you know that you're wicked

Fav✨💕: hmm, that my nickname sef

Me: I know, so now back to our topic, help me sort it out

Fav✨💕, Uhmm let me think

Me: yeah think please, you know I have less thank Five days

Fav✨💕: Ahha, where is that your friend that you meet in chick cafe during my birthday

Me: did you mean Sadeeq

Fav✨💕: yeah Sadeeq, you should try ask him

Me: okay I will

Fav✨💕: if he did not agree than you have to ask Abdulraheem

Me: hump, I hope he will agree

Fav✨💕:wish so, but you have to ask him early, so that we can find you another guy

Me: okay I will ask him later today

Fav✨💕: okay, what about you prom dress, did you get it, I'm getting mine tomorrow, you can come along and pick yours

Me: no Adda Aleeyna will send it to me, when is yours

Fav✨💕: in three days

Me: okay, what about the grad

Fav✨💕: next week Saturday, you most come and I'm coming tomorrow to invite Anty Layla and uncle Muhammad

Me: okay see you tomorrow, I'm hanging up bye bye

Fav✨💕: Alright bye.

Immediately I end the call and Afnan's massage pop on my screen, I view her massage

Bea💕🤓: Hey I got my dress and clutch for the prom, can wait for the D-day🤩💃

Me: wow🤩, can I see it picture

Bea💕🤓: no you can't

Me: please Afifi😩🥺

Bea💕🤓: don't give me that doggie eyes😏

Me: Aiit😒, so who's your prom date

Bea💕🤓:I don't have yet, but I will ask Alee

Me:okay did you think he will come 🤔

Bea💕🤓: yeah he will, what about you

Me: not yet but I will ask Sadeeq

Bea💕🤓:who's Sadeeq 😏

Me:A friend😁

Bea💕🤓:hmm, as if I believe

Me: I'm serious, his just a friend

Bea💕🤓:hmm okay, why did you like hiding things from me

Me: I'm not hiding anything from you

Bea💕🤓: don't forget our friendship rules

Me: no keeping secrets

Bea💕🤓:good, so I get go

Me: okay send my regards to Mama

Bea💕🤓:In shaa Allah.

I called Sadeeq to ask him, his out of town, but he will be back before Friday,

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