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(Art found on Pinterest! All credit to original artist!)

[3rd POV]

"We can't be friends anymore?!" The purple haired boy looked over at his green haired friend. There was no way the girl who he'd spent the whole day with just randomly want to end his relationship with him and his friends.

Nene looked down at the floor, trying to think of a probable explanation for this random text. "Do you think her father forced her to message this?" Nene pondered to Rui.

Rui's phone buzzed as well. He pulled it out to reveal the exact same message from (Y/N). Nene looked at Rui's phone before pointing at something. "Look, (Y/N) wrote you something else."

Both taking a look at the purple and blue haired boy's phone they read the other message. "Don't try anything, you'll only make it worse?!" Nene's eyes widened, she couldn't believe that one of her closest friends didn't want anything to do with them.

"This can't be real...(Y/N) wouldn't say this even if her father got really mad about her running away..." The look of Nene's face made it seem like she was getting sick just from thinking about the situation. What if them trying to help their friend actually made things a lot worse for her at home? Could that be the reason why (Y/N) isn't going to school today?

Rui couldn't believe it either, but he knew the girl he loved wouldn't say such things to him. As they continued to walk to school, Rui made a sudden realization. "You're right Nene...that isn't (Y/N), it's her father."

Still confused, Nene looked back up at Rui. "One night ago, (Y/N) mentioned how her father had taken her phone away from her...that's not (Y/N) messaging us but instead her father." Rui remembered that conversation he had with (Y/N) the night she ran away.

Nene gasped as she too, connected the dots. "That means (Y/N's) father is trying to ruin our relationship with (Y/N)!" Rui nodded, serious about the new situation unraveling in front of them.

"If we both got this message...that means anyone close to (Y/N) might have gotten a message too! Or even worse, they've already seen the message!" Nene thought of all the possible people who might have seen the message, Emu worried her the most. She came up with the conclusion of every one in their troupe, including any of her school friends.

Rui and Nene continued their walk to school, brainstorming all possible ideas for why (Y/N's) father could be so cruel. Their thoughts were interrupted by a rather loud voice. "NENEEEEEE!! RUIIIII! WAIT UP!!!!!"

A blonde with pinkish haired male ran up to his friends, scaring the female one in the process. He stopped running when he reached them, walking beside them while catching his breath. "Have...you guys...seen the message?!"

Both Nene and Rui nodded in reply. "It's not like (Y/N) to send something like this! It must be a fraud, right?!" Tsukasa exhaled. As they walked, Rui had shown Tsukasa another message he had received from (Y/N), a message no one else got.

"WHAT?! WHY WOULD (Y/N) SAY SUCH ATROCIOUS THINGS?!" Nene covered her ears, attempting to block her loud headed friends voice.

It seem Rui was the only one who received a second message, he couldn't help but feel sick to the core.

They were so worried about the messages that they hadn't realized they were on Kamiyama's campus.

Immediately, they took note of a troubled black and blue haired girl. An was focused on her phone while a pair of two males seemed to be talking among themselves. Before Rui could make his way to his juniors, the first bell sounded, signifying for students to head off to class.

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