021 - Yineh

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Yineh cuddled into Reteh as she stared off into the sunset atop one of the tallest trees in the dark green zone.


Yineh: Today was a pretty good day, though I still feel weird about being out having fun while everyone else is working their tails off.

Reteh: Me too, but I'm glad we get to... though *hard gulp* I do wish we could have fun closer to the ground.

Yineh: I'm amazed you can still be so scared of heights after being to the top of three of the five tallest trees in the valley... Speaking of.


Yineh looked below her and watched as Wafit helped Lina slowly climb the tree.


Yineh: *shouting* How you guys doing down there?

Lina: *shouting* Alive still... for now...

Yineh: So you don't miss the entire sunset, you should just have Wa-su carry you up the rest of the way.

Lina: I-I think I can see it fine from here.

Yineh: Stop being stubborn. Wa-su, let her climb on your back.


Yineh smiled as Wafit positioned himself in a way that allowed Lina to grab a hold of him, then made his way swiftly up the tree and to a nearby branch.


Yineh: You've gotten really good at climbing with people on your back.

Wafit: A lot of that's probably just how much easier Lina is to carry compared to Re-re. No offense intended, it's far easier to carry someone smaller than myself than it is someone bigger than me.

Reteh: None taken.

Yineh: What do you think of your first tree top sunset, Li-li?

Lina: It's very pretty, surprisingly different from the high ridge ocean view sunsets I'm used to seeing in Tarico.

Yineh: How long did you stay at the Tarico Gathering?

Lina: It's a little complicated... To avoid my family during the testing phase I was going to sleep on the streets, but when one of the custodians who was doing my testing saw me trying to sleep on a bench, he dragged me all the way to the Tarico Gathering and told Cerina the details of my first testing day and that he found me trying to sleep on the streets. After that, I stayed at the Gathering in a spare room for almost two full moons before I was sent off to Ankarok.

Yineh: It takes two moons to do the initiation tests in Tarico!? Wait, before you answer that, why were you trying to sleep on the streets and not at a Keepers?

Lina: I kinda forgot to grab my wallet when I ran away from home. *awkward laughter* As for your other question, nee it doesn't for most people applying, but since all my scores were super low, Cerina had to tutor me for quite a while before I was able to pass the tests.

Yineh: You make any friends during that time?

Lina: Kind of... people were nice to me, but no one really wanted to hangout like we do or anything... To be honest it was a lot like being back in school. Everybody stuck to their groups and went to their own classes. Tarico rammu really aren't anything like Ankarok's.

Yineh: Yeah, I know, but still I'm surprised you didn't make at least one good friend hanging around there for almost two moons. You've been around here less than half a moon and you already have at least eight new friends and whatever Mirra-su is... *bombastic laughter*

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