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@ordinary_anime_lover: DANG I AM IN A PART But I am asking to bee & mirage what if he knows there exists a bumblebee who is a part of a transformers group in a world where were autobots and deceptions have peaced... getting straight to the point this bumblebee is a part of
PHANTOM CRUSADERS who has 2 abilities and is as strong as optimus prime from the last knight, his 2 abilities are to create life ( when ever he touches a non-living object after 5 seconds that non-living object will convert into a transformer and he will obey bee until his death..... for example if he touches a train that whole train will become a transformer and follow bee's orders) this ability is called sweet devils g g ... 2nd ability pretty simple yet very effective good and over powered g a g devil's restoration able to restore any non-living object to their orginal shape and size ( like healing on non-living objects for EXAMPLE he destroyed a house he touches it for 5 seconds and the house will get restored like nothing happened.... thanks for reading this paragraph

well he do have a cooldown for both of these abilities 10 seconds is the cooldown

Mirage: what?! Now way! 🤯 Bee we got to bring him in on our team! He can be useful! And can definitely kick some ass to the enemies! 🤩 Also, deception and auto it's are peaceful to each other in that universe?! That's really cool! I would love to live in a world like that one day. If that truly happens.

Bee: =no, I ain't letting another bee into our team, it's going to be confusing which bee our team is talking to. Plus, I don't want to, I'm already enough. End of discussion 😑=

Mirage: Aww come on! Why not? Is it because of what I said to the RID Bee you showed me a pic of? You still mad at me for it? 🥺

Bee: =yes=

Mirage: I said I was sorry, and that was just a compliment for him. Your cuter than that guy! I would still pick you over any bee that I see.

Bee: *blushed a bit* =that's sweet of you Mirage 💕=

Mirage: Aww thanks!

Bee: =but I'm still upset of you for saying that. So your sleeping outside, you ain't sleeping with me tonight at the garage.

Mirage: w-wh..what?!! Oh come ooonn! Bee don't do this to me! I'm sorry babe 😩. What can I do to make it up to you?? I'll do anything! Pleeeaasseee~?? 🥺🥺

Bee: *sighs* =Fiinnee~, I can't say no to your stupid cute face of yours 😒😑=

Mirage: *gasp* yes! Thanks so much hon. *hugs and kisses him on the cheek* I love you~ ❤️

Bee: *gets flustered but smiles* =love you too, you big ol troublemaker~ 💕=

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