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Ask for Mirage: Did you convince Prime to let you stay with Noah?
Ask for Bee; Did you know Charlie's back to hurting herself because of her family?

Mirage: Yes, MULTIPLE FUCKING TIMES ALREADY!!! God! It's like he's my sire or something 😒. And he would always say no, I told him to fuck off and to just let me live my life as it is! That he doesn't control me and I'm not one of his soilders! WHY CANT HE FUCKING UNDERSTAND THAT?! 😠 *sighs* don't get me wrong, Optimus and cool and a great leader, and I like being on his team. But sometimes he gets on my nerves, and doesn't get it to chill out and enjoy life as it is here on earth. I want ALL of us to just stop hiding from humans and live here peacefully instead of being feared if we ever got caught by them. I like Noah, he's like my true homeboy that understands and gets me. He's a cool friend to hangout with, wish I could visit him and his lil brother more 😞. But I can't cause of Optimus's rule 🙄. Fuck my life!

Bee: WHAT?!? 😡 OH HELL NO! *transforms and goes to find his friend* I'M COMING FOR YOU CHARLIE!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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