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@ordinary_anime_lover: well bee might be actually get surprised by hearing this that this crusader bee is as much strong as optimus the last knight.... yes that's a fact !!! is. @ is. & CRUSADER bee is just built different from all his other versions... atleast he can restore all the destruction caused by there wars with no difficulty as his devil's restoration allows this.....but what if he comes to know that this bee is way too inferior to the hot rod from the crusaders and rod is the most over powered crusader in terms of hax and abilities.... Some real quick things he can do stop time accelerate Time decelerat time create time loops
use a time dilation attack that tears anyone apart by accelerating & decelerating them by
CO at the same time and this is called fate on finger & ..... all abilities last for 10 seconds except for the fate on finger because it is Bullet that brings time dilation...and the most scary part is that the range of all abilities of hot rod are universal , once he stops time, everything in the whole universe stops for 10 seconds and yes rod is the only one to move in these 10 seconds g g g
.. there is only a
cooldown of like 1 hour and there is a catch if he stops time and cancels it before 10 seconds there is absolutely no cooldown..... next time tell mirage to be ready for his own another powerful version that belongs to this bayverse sequel called the darkest prime

forgot to mention the only limitation he has and those are primes they are literally not effected by his abilities.... but there is a catch again the prime of this story the sequel tik the darkest prime.... who unlocked the power of Omega quantum spin.... ( a spin that trancends the concept of multiverse at least 8D) only the prime who has this spin will be able to literally nullify these all abilities.... only this prime from
THE DARKEST PRIME so it literally means your optimus prime can't hot rod @ A ...... hot isn't as strong as prime but his hax and abilities destroys literally any one you think of if we put the comics in side..

@ordinary_anime_lover seriously one last thing
A fie e his only weakest is garvity... gravity manipulation destroys the working of his abilities

@ordinary_anime_lover one confusion that should be cleared that the cooldown of 60 minutes (1 hour )only triggers after he uses all of his abilities except fate on

Mirage&Bee: *processing all the info leaving themselves speechless* 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯

Mirage: now should we let them be in our team?

Bee: =....one day, not right now. I just...didn't know that those types of autobots are that powerful...not to mention..HAVING ABSOLUTE SUPERPOWERS?!?! That is wild and crazy!! 😨😨😨😦😦😦😦=

Mirage: I know right!!! That's so mind blowing! I really want to see those autobots in action! 🤩🤩🤩 I hope prime can let us visit them someday.

Bee: =you might be right, still. Remember what I told you=

Mirage: got it, not get too attached to the other bee and the rest of the autobots too much. I know your worried about little ol me getting too close to them~ 😉💕 your my little jealous honey bee~

Bee: *blushed at the comment looking away* =s-shut up, just don't make me mad okay?=

Mirage: I promise babe, now come here~ *pulls him close and kisses him passionately*

Bee: *flustered but kisses back*

Noah: hey bee! Mirage! Are you guys ready to- *stops at his tracks seeing the two lover birds making out* umm...maybe I'll come back later. *steps back a bit but trips on a old sofa can making a loud noise* shit 😨

Mirage: *pulls away seeing Noah* N-Noah?

Bee: *turns around to see Noah and blushed in embarrassment* 😳😳😳

Noah: uhhhh, you didn't see me. Bye! *runs away*

Mirage: w-wait Noah! shit! He knows about our secret, I-I should go and talk to him before he tells the others 😰

Bee: =hey it's okay mirage, no need to get scared about this. I'm sure he'll understand. And so will the others, just calm down.=

Mirage *sighs* I hope so hon, I'm just..worried about what the others think.

Bee: =don't worry, I understand. I do too, we'll tell him later. Okay? Now do you want to snuggle with me?=

Mirage: okay hon, and yes I would love some snuggles with you~💕.

Bee: =I'm glad to hear that ☺️❤️=

(Bro, you got to tell me where you get this info about the different autobots and bee! I'm very interested of what you said 🤩🤯. Do let me know! )

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