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@ordinary_anime_lover: well only rage dive is not having nerfings right now and all the other abilities like time turner & sweet devils and all other that I will mention will as same & and hot rod is actually the strongest CRUSADER in terms of hax and abilities and the weakest crusader in terms of strength and durability..... I will mention.... bee's old enemy who his voice in his own movie and he is blitzwing.... well he is bee's best friend here in bayverse.....

well hot rod is the god of time

Mirage: really? Hot rod is the strongest transformer than my different Mirage?! And controls time!?!Awww! 😞 I kinda do wanted my new Mirage to be the strongest one. *sighs* it's alright bro. At least my new mirage is still cooler with their own powers to be helpful in the team. But man, I would love to meet this hot rod in person. He seems like a cold guy and a warrior, maybe a leader also! 🤩

Bee: *scoffs* =tch, blitzwing? Being my friend in that universe? No fucking way. He tried to literally kill me AND TOOK MY GODDAMN VOICE BY STABBING ME IN MY NECK! That I cannot forget nor forgive him easily for what he did 😤=

Mirage: hey hey, easy bee. No need to get angry here. I know he was your enemy and tried to kill you. I mean, I would definitely be pissed at him too for hurting you. I wish I was there to save you, really I do. But you survived from his attack, that's all that matters. And I'm glad for that. Plus, with or without your voice, I'll still love you either way. No matter what.

Bee: *looks at mirage in a loving way smiling at his words* =I love you too Mirage. Your right, at least I survived. But I'm glad I killed him when he started with his bitchy long ass talking and shit 😒.=

Mirage *chuckles* I love it when you get grumpy~. It's cute 🥰

Bee: =yeah, I know. Your cute too when you get flustered as well~. Like always=

Mirage: sh-shut up! No I ain't *looks away in embarrassment*

Bee=whatever you say, my troublemaker~=

Mirage: *blushes of that comment* I aint!

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