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@ordinary_anime_lover: well don't get too sacred I will add limitations and cooldown so don't be too scared this ability ain't going to that over powered...

just the concept of multiverse buddy and these all abilities are just taken inspiration from, well mostly but some like Rage drive, & more abilities are original

Mirage: Aww really? 😩 I thought they were all going to be like true god's and goddesses! Like actually unstoppable warriors! But I guess it is a good reason to not make them overpowered. Still, I kinda do want them to be. Even my new Mirage me 🥹.

Bee: =it's alright Mirage, your still capable to take down evil villains with all your might! And still win at it 😊. That what counts, and makes me love you even more~ ❤️=

Mirage Aw shucks! Thanks bee. You are too are able to take down enemies as well! And I love you for that too~. Not to mention, it's really hot to see you fight~😉 it turns me on a little whenever I see you in combat~.

Bee: *blushes* =shut up you moron=

Mirage: Thanks Honeybee!~

(Oh ok, I thought those abilities you were talking about were for real just like how you explained it in detail for me 😅😂. But hey I still love your ideas of your own transformer universe!! Can't wait to see and read more about it 😄👍)

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