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@ordinary_anime_lover: well kinda sorry he is homophobic and his crush was arcee who died a long ago in Revenge of the fallen and one last thing everyone is homophobic..... they don't support this all.... not being rude... saying straight facts

Mirage: what?! Why is everyone homophonic? Aw man now this makes me not want to visit to see those transformers at all! 😞 But in all seriousness, do they not like anyone being part of the lgbtq? And if so what do they exactly do if someone reveals themselves for who they are? Whether if  their bi, pan, lesbian, gay, trans etc? Cause if they can't be supportive of this type of stuff, then...I guess it's not worth it to meet those guys, or for them to meet my gang team and my partner bee either.

Arcee is literally bisexual, I'm pansexual, Prime is demisexual and gay, wheeljack is aroace, and bee is gay also. So it's not cool for me if their hateful for it. That just doesn't not suit me to hang with those bots. Anyone can fall in love with whoever they like, nothing wrong with it, not everyone is straight, but I guess they will never understand it. And thats just sad.

*sighs in disappointment* I need a drink of emerging in my system. That always helps.

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