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@YonaWolfDragon: Kanda: Hiya You Two And This Is My Fellow
Autobot Friend Riot.
Riot: What's Up?
Kanda: He Doesn't Talk A Lot, Anyway Nice To See You Two Became Sparkmates!
Riot: Yeah It Kinda Reminds Me Of A Song From That 1 Cartoon We've Watched.
Kanda: Oh Yeah! You Guys Should Totally Watch It, It's Called "The Stingers It's A Hard, Hard Life"

Mirage: we'll get there Kanda and Riot! It's nice to meet you both 😃 and thanks we appreciate your support of us being sparkmates 😄. A recommended cartoon you say? Sounds interesting to watch! Will try and watch it 😁

Bee: =hey you two, thanks aswell for supporting us! We really appreciate it 😊. I think you two should definitely join our team 😃. If your up for it.=

Mirage yeah! That would be a cool idea! The choice is yours 😁. So do let us know 👍.

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