The Trio Unites

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The next school day comes along. Taiga still nowhere to be found. Jax appears out of the light to talk to Ryūji.

"Alright partner..."

"Jesus Christ where did you come from?!" Ryūji says completely startled.

"Shhh... get over here or I'll MAKE you meet Jesus Christ." Jax said as he pulls Ryūji to a quiet place.

"So..." Jax begins. "This Minori kid... I never got a description of what she looks like."

Ryūji stands there in shock. "I told you everything."

"I know but I drank like 12 cases of beer last night and it must've fogged up my memory." Says Jax.

Ryūji replies, "How did you even... never mind. Look Kushieada is this redhead. She's super happy and plays on the softball team. What's the plan?"

"Well..." Says Jax. "My initial goal is to get input on what she's personally thinking and then get you the info on your next move. Risky move but, women go crazy in America. Here they're a bit more predictable."

Ryūji responds confidently. "Ok that's a good plan."

Jax then disappears before Ryuji can say anything else to look for Minori.

Jax looks around but doesn't find any luck for quite a while. He sees a bunch of redheads everywhere in the school and Jax is even more confused.

"Damn if I find one more redhead I'm shaving my head." He says to himself.

Just then, Jax gets a surprise visitor.

"Oh hello there mutt." In a familiar voice.

Jax looks up and sees the person whom he battered yesterday. Taiga Aisaka.

"Well well well. Didn't know we were doing round 2 partner." He said.

Taiga responds. "Round 2 will wait. I have more problems with you. What did you do to Ryūji? Why was he out of my sight for so long."

Jax responds. "Why should I tell you? You ain't worth while."

Taiga clenches her fists. "Don't... mess... with... my dog..."

Jax snickers. "Whatever you wanna call him partner. I got business to handle."

"Oh yeah. Business huh? Hurting me? That's how you feel? Hurting someone who isn't your size?! Taking away her only source of food? Huh?! Is that how you feel?!"

Taiga begins to tear up.

"IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT?! ME TO SUFFER FOR YOUR OWN JOY?! Huh?! You want me to suffer because I'm different..."

She runs away sobbing.

Jax just freezes. He had no idea. Taiga was going through all of this. No one ever told him about it. It reminded him of his mother and father. His abandonment issues.

Jax just walks away and continues looking for Minori.

Jax felt guilted big time but it didn't stop him from eventually finding Minori.

Minori sees Jax and smiles. "Oh hello! New kid in town never got to see you!"

Jax sighs. "Yeah. Making friends."

Minori looks a bit confused. "Hey what's got you down?"

Jax responds and gets his composure back. "Nothing. No biggie. I'm just making friends." He says and then smiles. "A LOT I mean things can get REALLY messy. Heh."

Minori smiles "Ooh I like messes!" Minori seems happy and Jax gets more and more confused.

"Okay." Jax says. "Tell me about your friends."

Minori happily replies, " Oh okay! I hang out with Kitamura, Takasu, Kawashima... and of course my best friend Aisaka!"

Jax then notices... he screwed up... badly.

"Oh okay well I go hunting to do. Nice meeting ya partner. We should hangout again."

"Sure! I'll call you if you give me your number!"

After they exchanged numbers, Jax heads back home and tries to assess the situation. He now knows he hurt Taiga who is friends with his friends' crush. This may screw up things big time.

Jax knows he needs to set records straight.

He returns to Ryūji, tells him the news and then heads to Taiga's apartment.

Taiga lays in bed all alone. Upset, but not making a sound.

A knock is then heard at the door.

Taiga opens the door to see Jax with a different look on his face. Instead of looking like a crazed psychopath, he looks genuine.

"What? You? You need something?" Taiga says.

Jax says. "Look partner. I know I've been kinda rough. We gotta work together in order to accomplish what's to come next."

Taiga freezes. "So... you are... sorry?"

"Yeah sure. I gotta make new friends somehow. Why not have you work for me. I can do the same." Jax says.

Taiga was shocked.

"So yeah." Jax continues. "You need anything I can help you with, meet me after class."

Jax then leaves. Taiga is in shock and relief but confusion.

She then thinks to herself.

"Can he... actually help me with Kitamura?"

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