Doing it by the book

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The next school day has began. Taiga begins her day as usual for once walking with Ryūji. Taiga asks, "Where were you the past few days? The whole time I couldn't find you."

Ryūji replies, "Well... you see. The new kid. I've been... hanging out with him for a while. He offered me help with my problems."

Taiga scoffs. "Problems? Problems? You can't achieve what you're looking for so how is some crazed hillbilly who doesn't understand anything from this country gonna get your problems solved."

Ryūji replies, "Well... with Kushieada... he has had experience with different girls. He offered help. You need help with things and so do I."

Taiga then remembers the conversation she had with Jax yesterday. She now begins to understand a bit. She probably could use him for favors. She then asks Ryūji, "Hey where do you normally find him?"

Ryūji smiles. "Oh. Next to the dumpster. I know it's weird but hey, I don't judge. I've hung out with crazier people."

Taiga angrily replies, "Hey! What's that supposed to mean?!"

"Oh nothing." Says Ryūji.

Later in the day Taiga runs back into Sumire Kanō and Yūsaku Kitamura.

"Aha there you are." Kanō says. "We need your help. You need to gather up some help with you to handle our missions for you and the student council."

Kitamura replies. "Yes indeed. You need to gather up a team of people. Preferably 2 or 3 to help get the missions smoothly covered."

Kanō then says. "We have something... special... yes. There has been a suspicion that there are some more pranksters going about in the school. The pranks are making MY reputation look bad as the class president. MINE! So please. Get your crew and meet us in the old janitor's closet. Is that clear?"

Taiga nods. Suddenly an idea came into her head. What if Jax can help Taiga with the missions by the Student Council?

Taiga then rushes to the dumpster to find Jax. She finds him in a disgusting sight.

"Hey Jax... wait WHAT THE?"

Jax is seen pooping behind the dumpster. Taiga is disgusted and confused.

"Oh hey there." Jax pulls up his pants after he's done. "Whacha need tiny?"

Taiga asks, "I think you need something. Help! What is wrong with you?!"

Jax replies, "I do as I please."

Taiga in dismay still asks Jax, "Look I need your help. I need to meet Student Council in the Janitor's closet. Follow me."

Jax simply nods and follows.

Once they meet up in the Janitor's closet they see Kanō, Kitamura, and Riku Tanaka, a graduate from Ohashi High School, who struck it rich soon after.

Riku then prepares to leave and notices the two. "Wow. Palm top tiger and uhhhhhh who's this?"
Riku then takes his leave.

"So Aisaka, you took the top dog of the school here? Heh surprising." Says Kanō.

Jax asks, "Who was that guy? He looks like a guy who advertises pills for old people."

"Hey show some respect O'Conner. Tanaka is a good friend of mine. He gets more money than our school fundings. And that my friend is a good cause." Says Kanō.

Jax then points at Kitamura. "You. You looks familiar. Where did we meet?"

Kitamura replies. "Oh yeah we met on the first day here. But ummm... I kinda don't wanna be a part of this but... I have to."

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