I could foolishly feel myself growing a high school crush on this guy. At first it was from his looks, but as the minutes went by, his personality quickly grew on me. He was confident, down to earth and just so chill. We only had one drink each while we were together, all we ever did was talk. I don’t really recall what exactly we even spoke about because the conversation just flowed so well that the topics were of the most random.
“Linkin Park, you’ve gotta like them, they’re sick!” he said,
“I guess I do! I like that song that’s like..” I paused trying to remember the tune and the lyrics, “Na na na naaa… na na naa..”
He frowned confused, “What!”
“You know!” I started humming the tune again, “The one from Transformers!!”
“Ohh!!” he turned to the bar table and started tapping his fingers as if it were a drum, “Whaaat I’veeee doneeee! I’ll face myself..” he sang bopping his head,
“Yes!” I laughed, “That’s it!”
He stopped and turned to face me again and smiled, making me blush a little. It went silent for a moment and I cleared my throat to break the silence.
“So,” his head perked up, “What do you do for a living Josh?”
“Well, I love music,”
I laughed, “I’m not sure that’s an actual job.”
He half smiled again, “Okay okay, well I..” he was quickly interrupted by a tired Emily falling on top of me,
“I think I’m ready… to go home now, kaaay?” she slurred, picking herself off me then walking towards the couch a few metres away collapsing,
I sighed and shook my head, drunk friends are always such a hassle to keep a hold of. “Looks like I gotta go,” I shrugged, “I had a really great time talking with you though,” I paused, “About.. random stuff”
He laughed looking down as he played with his knuckles, “I did too,” he looked back up and met my eyes slowly leaning forward towards my face.
If he was going to do what I think he was going to do my brain had just walked out of the door. His eyes looked at my lips and I stared at his lashes as he looked down. His hand gently placed itself on my cheek while he leaned in even more closer. God, I loved it when guys put their hand on my cheek for a kiss. He closed his eyes and I followed as we were only millimetres away from eachother’s lips, until, Zayn popped up in my head. His beautiful smile. His coco brown eyes. The way the sides of his eyes would crinkle whenever he would laugh. His thick eyebrows and that stupid slit he had on his right eyebrow. I jerked backwards and awkwardly looked at Josh, biting my lip.
“I’m sorry,” … “I can’t,”
He sighed, the look of disappointment on his face was crushing, “Um, yeah, that’s okay..”
Emily leaped in at the right time urging me to leave the club, breaking the awkward moment I had just created with Josh. Even though I was so mad at Zayn to the point where kicking him in the balls repeatedly would be funner than Disneyland, I wasn’t going to go ahead and kiss another guy. I wasn’t that kind of girl. Zayn meant too much to me.
“It was nice meeting you,” I said while trying to give the most sincerest smile I could give,
He nodded, “You too,” he grabbed my hand from my lap and delicately kissed it, “I hope I see you again,” and with that, he stood up and made his way over to the couches.
Emily was now resting on my shoulder and I nudged her to let her know we could finally go home.
“Hey cute boy is friends with douche bag boy!” she said pointing at Josh as he sat next to the guy who had been with the blonde bimbos before,
Maybe it was good that I didn’t kiss him. If he hung around guys like that, there had to be a part of him that was exactly the same. Emily was now surprisingly sober, she was just completely exhausted, so she had to lean on me a little for support as we walked outside of the club. I almost fell over when a guy with a striped shirt accidentally bumped me as he hurried into the club, I didn’t bother looking up at him because I was just too tired to even care.
“Sorry!” I heard him yell from behind me,
I rolled my eyes and tried to gain back my balance, still holding Emily who was struggling to keep her eyes open. We finally made it to the car and I helped Emily get comfortable in her seat. She immediately KO’d as soon as I hopped into the driver’s seat. I turned on the engine and looked at the time. 2:45AM. Here’s to hoping I could get us home safe.
*** Niall’s POV ***
It took us way too long to get to Liverpool. We made so many calls and yet none of them really helped us out, so it was just the lads and I trying to fix this whole mess Zayn had made. I didn’t make it any easier when I begged them if we could eat first before we set off on the long drive to Liverpool though. But a boys gotta eat. We ended up getting at the club Zayn was at half an hour before it was about to close for the night.
We rushed to go inside and had to wait for Tommo to pick up his pace as he suddenly slowed down. Once we got in there a massive sigh of relief came from all of us when we saw Zayn sitting with some of our band instrument players; Dan and Jon.
I was so excited and surprised to see them and ran towards Dan giving him a good hug, “What’re you guys doing here!” I asked,
“Heeeeey!” Dan screeched, “Zayn asked us to party, so we came to party!” he winked, “Don’t you think you guys are a bit late?”
“Yeah, we came to pick him up and take him home.” I scratched my head, “We didn’t even know he left for Liverpool till a couple of hours ago,”
“Really?” he asked, “Weird.”
We both turned towards were Zayn was, watching Louis trying to get him to come with us and leave. Zayn was well drunk and was set on staying so he could continue to have a ‘good time’. Louis looked at me and signalled to come over as he picked up Zayn’s left arm. I went and grabbed Zayn’s right arm and Liam and Harry followed helping us get him up. We practically had to carry him out of the club and throw him into Harry’s car where he quickly fell fast asleep resting on my lap.
At least we found him. And at least we were on the way home. But all that was left, was to fix things with Holly before their 21st birthday.
..…. THE FOLLOWING DAY - 12:00PM …….
*** Holly’s POV ***
I was completely and utterly exhausted. Actually, exhaustion didn’t even begin to describe how incredibly tired I was. If it wasn’t for how much my stomach was reaching starvation, I would of slept in till next week. We got back to our hotel around 7 in the morning and completely knocked out on to our beds as soon as we stepped in our rooms. I finished taking the shower I so desperately needed and opened the draw under the bathroom sink to get my face wash. As I picked it up, hiding underneath it was my phone. Sneaky, sneaky Emily I thought to myself.
I quickly turned my phone on, heart racing, in hopes Zayn had at least texted me or tried calling me by now. I hadn’t heard from him for more than 24 hours and it had been killing me inside. My phone finally loaded and 4 text messages appeared. I bit my lip anxiously opening up my message box, hoping so hard that Zayn’s name would be there. But it wasn’t.
There was one text from each of the boys:
Liam: “ello! hop u enjoyd the cupcakes we made u:) xx”
Niall: “i tink liam already messaged ya but i hope ya liked the cupcakes we made u! it was great meeting u, looking forward t seeing u again!”
Louis: “Hey babe, so turns out the sneaky bugger went to Liverpool. But don’t worry we’re on our way to get him. xx”
Harry: “I know, I know, ‘Zayn free day’, but you should know that Zayn’s in Liverpool. I don’t know why, or how he got there, but we’re going to go get him now. x”
My eyes widened and the news hit me like a tonne of bricks, “OH. MY. GOD.” I dropped my phone onto the floor and sprinted into the lounge room where Emily was, still in my towel, screaming over and over again, “OH MY GOD, EMILY, OH MY GOD!”
*** Emily’s POV ***
I was sitting on the couch with the laptop while Carmello was making us pasta for lunch, checking up on SugarScape for any news on the new season of Vampire Diaries. I refreshed the home page and a new story seemed to have been posted. My jaw dropped immediately when I saw the headline,“Shit. SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT.” I said under my breath,
I could hear Holly’s loud voice coming closer to me, “OH MY GOD, EMILY, OH MY GOD!”
But I was too distracted by the new article on SugarScape to look up at her. I knew Holly was not going to like this one bit.

31 Days.. (a zayn malik fanfiction)
Fanfiction[✔ COMPLETED] This story is about a girl named Holly.. She and her friend,Emily,where in London just for a tour.. One fine day,Holly bumps into a guy.. Then she notices that he is Zayn Malik form the worlds biggest band.. ONE DIRECTION.. he then ask...