3 weeks earlier…
*** Louis’ POV ***
“Lou babe, come out with me tonight!” Zayn urged as his head layed on my lap, “Pleeeease!” he begged,
“No Zayn, I went out with you last time, and the time before that, and before that. I honestly can’t keep up with you.” I chuckled playing with his hair,
“C’mon Lou! We have a good time don’t we?” he asked sitting up smiling,
I rolled my eyes, “You have a good time.”
“Oh, that’s cause you have extra baggage.” he said jumping off the couch,
I let that one slide. “I’d rather have my Eleanor over partying any day.”
“I know Lou. I wish I had that, but I don’t. So for now, Ima party all day! All night!” he began to dance around the room in nothing but a pair of sweats, hair a mess showing what he had been up to before he came over,
As much as I knew Zayn was a loving, hopeless romantic kind of guy, I knew he enjoyed the single life. He took it upon himself to take advantage of every waking moment of being free from attachments.
I was never one to a pass up a good time partying, but I knew my limits. Zayn had none. He was growing into a man who had nothing but a good time set on his mind, accepting the risks with open arms at every turn in his life.
I never really agreed to how far he went sometimes. He turned into this person that knew no boundaries, no regrets. He did what he wanted and when he wanted.
As the years went by, One Direction got more and more popular. We were climbing the success ladder higher each and every day. The boys and I appreciated every fan, every #1 single, every sold out tour and never stopped trying to show how grateful we were. We were growing up into a world where everything came easy to us just because we were One Direction. Everything we wanted, we got it. Clothes, cars, freebies, girls, you name it. Most of us simply just appreciated how lucky we were, but Zayn, let it get to his head. Especially when it came to girls.
His phone buzzed and he quickly replied with a smirk on his face.
“Who was that?” I asked putting my feet up onto the coffee table,
He flashed his teeth at me and patted my leg, squishing next to me for a seat, “Anna.” he passed on over his phone, “Have a look.”
Hey baby! V.I.P tickets tonight @ a new exclusive club my friend owns. You’re welcome ha! Can’t wait to c u again…. neither can my girlfriends u haven’t met yet ;)
p.s. had fun this morning xx
As I finished reading the text I handed his phone back to him and put on a fake smile. Texts like this were nothing new. “See, you don’t need me to come. You’ve got the girls.”
Knowing Anna was going to be there along with her plastic friends convinced me even more to not want to go out tonight. Ever since they met she had been this horrible influence on him.
He put his arm around my shoulder and stroked my chin, “C’mon Lou, I need you. You’re my main man!”
My message tone went off and it was Eleanor saying she was out for the night with Danielle. I guess I really didn’t have a choice unless I would call it in a night in, which Louis Tomlinson never does. I looked at Zayn and sighed, “Alright.”
He clenched his fists together and threw his arms in the air, “Yes!!!!” he shouted, “It’s going to be one crazy night Lou!!”
I didn’t doubt that. That’s all Zayn’s nights ever seemed to be.

31 Days.. (a zayn malik fanfiction)
Fiksi Penggemar[✔ COMPLETED] This story is about a girl named Holly.. She and her friend,Emily,where in London just for a tour.. One fine day,Holly bumps into a guy.. Then she notices that he is Zayn Malik form the worlds biggest band.. ONE DIRECTION.. he then ask...