Thank you so much guys for reading my second ever fanfic.. thanx for voteing,commenting and following... that really means alot.. thanx once again.. love ya.! ♥♥♥♥
ask for follow back and I will.

31 Days.. (a zayn malik fanfiction)
Fanfiction[✔ COMPLETED] This story is about a girl named Holly.. She and her friend,Emily,where in London just for a tour.. One fine day,Holly bumps into a guy.. Then she notices that he is Zayn Malik form the worlds biggest band.. ONE DIRECTION.. he then ask...
Thanx to all readers.! ♥
Thank you so much guys for reading my second ever fanfic.. thanx for voteing,commenting and following... that really means alot.. thanx once again.. love ya.! ♥♥♥♥
ask for follow back and I will.