I tried to sit up but was restrained from Zayn’s hold around me. My head started to swirl a bit and I had to take a few seconds staring into the darkness of the room to gain back my vision. I squinted my eyes trying to catch the time on the clock across the room. 3:51AM. What could Louis possibly want at this time of the morning?
“Holly!” Louis whispered,
“I’m coming hold on!” I looked around Zayn’s position to see if I could find any possible way to release myself from his hold without disturbing his sleep. I eventually slowly lifted his arm off around my waist, placing it lightly onto his side and slithering out from the couch, falling onto the ground. I looked up and stared at him sleeping. There was something about his sleepy head face that made me feel all giddy inside. His long eyelashes sat perfectly as he peacefully breathed in and out with the slightest smile on his mouth.
“Are you really just staring at him sleeping?” Lou asked cringing his face,
I quietly laughed and picked myself up and made my way around the couch to meet where Lou was standing, “Why’d you wake me up?” I asked whilst trying to keep my eyes open. I was not a morning person. And at nearly four in the morning this was just torture.
“I’m sorry for waking you up so early, did you want some tea?” he replied walking towards the kitchen,
I frowned questioning why he didn’t get straight into it, “Um, no I’m fine. What’s wrong Lou? It’s so early, I feel like I have to hold up my eyelids with my fingers to stay awake. What did you want to talk about?”
He looked around to the still dark room with only soft snores filling the air, making sure no one was awake. He jerked his head to the side directing me to go into the other lounge room with him. I followed him unwillingly and my thoughts began to think of the worst. Like always. What if he actually didn’t like me? And what if he was going to tell me to stay away from Zayn? Or what if he thought I didn’t deserve him? Or thought he could do better?
“Just go sit down, I’ll be back in a sec,” he said, disappearing in seconds,
I sat there twiddling my thumbs and scrunching my nose up thinking of all the horrible possibilities that could occur once Lou would come back. I couldn’t stop squirming on the spot and a rush of nerves suddenly over took me. I tried to distract myself from my negative thoughts and analysed the room. ‘Ooh pretty’, I thought to myself, reaching for the beautiful vase of flowers sitting on the coffee table in front of me. BANG! My nerves definitely over took me; my stupid, clumsy, trembling hands had toppled the vase over onto the ground breaking it into pieces. I shrieked not knowing what to do, desperately looking around the room for something to fix it… -or hide it.
“Um..” Lou came in with both hands holding a cup of tea,
I looked up panicking, “I’m so so sorry!! I didn’t mean to!”, I got down onto the floor and tried to pick up the broken pieces until Lou quickly stopped me,
“Don’t worry just leave it, here have some tea, you look like a nervous wreck so I figured it’d help settle your nerves.” he said as he made himself comfortable onto the couch,
I took the cup of tea and joined him on the couch quietly sipping. The warmth of the liquid quickly soothed all the nerves inside me and I suddenly felt better. Lou reached from his pocket, pulling out my phone and handed it to me.
“Your phone was ringing for a good hour straight, it kept me awake. I figured it must be something important so I woke you up..”
“Oh.. shit, sorry!” I replied, genuinely surprised and taking the phone from his hand,
“Even when I found your phone the alerts kept coming up every second…” his eyes made him look like he was going to regret the next thing he was going to say, “Now, I just want you to know, I don’t normally do this.. but the messages kind of, well, caught my eye.. and I sort of, read through a couple.” he pursed his lips together, “I’m sorry,”
I wasn’t quite sure how to react to this. I felt a little uneasy that he’d been reading some of my messages and if I had been receiving that many (which I never ever do) it must have been important. But it wasn’t like I was going to have a bitch fit at him.
“Oh, um, that’s okay.. I guess. What exactly did you read?” I asked while going through my phone; 10 text messages; 8 WhatsApp messages; 5 emails; 34 missed calls - all from Emily.
He sighed, “I think you should read them for yourself.”
His facial expression and monotone voice made me worry. Not wasting another second, I quickly read each text message Emily sent and each time, my heart sank a little. Lou watched me go from nervous to calm to absolutely horrified and the only word that would repeatedly come out of my mouth was “Oh my God.”
“Uhh .. umm .. which..” I stuttered,
“Which ones did I read?” Lou guessed,
I nodded.
“The ones about the rumours of Zayn’s past..”
“Oh okay..”
I struggled trying to remember how to put sentences together. I hated what was happening. I didn’t want nor need this attention from the media. But that was the consequence of seeing a celebrity, and I should’ve thought about it sooner to prepare myself for it, but it was just always the last thing on my mind.
“I’ve got a pretty good guess to what your friends emails are about..” Lou said as he finished up his cup of tea and placing it on the table,
He grabbed his laptop and opened it up, patting the empty space beside him signalling me to come sit closer so I could get a better view. I scooted over and as soon as the website loaded and I saw the logo ‘SugarScape’, I immediately died a little inside. If he was bringing me to SugarScape, this couldn’t have been good.
Our favourite quiff haired boy Zayn Malik has been spotted on now two occasions with a new mystery girl. They were seen snogging in front of Big Ben just the other day sharing what seemed to be a very cutesy and romantic date (yes yes, we’re jealous too) and just this afternoon the paparazzi caught them coming out of the ever so classy Four Seasons hotel together. A sleep over and a bubble bath for two? We think so!
Zayn has been known to be quite the ladies man, but we all know he’s just a big softie at heart. He’s been through quite the collection of beautiful (young and old) ladies over the past few years and we’re not even surprised, a hot thing like him can’t stay single for long!
Our team with their pro stalking skills *cough cough aherm* we mean investigating skills, are working on finding out who this new lady in his life is for all you Directioners out there demanding to know who she is. We’ll keep you updated!
So what do you think of his new mystery girl? Just another fling? We give it another week. Place your bets!
Click next for the video of the pair snogging and the pictures from this afternoon at the Four Seasons!
I stared at the screen blankly. Never in my life had I felt so judged and empty, knowing I couldn’t even do anything about it to stop it. And knowing it was just going to get worse from here, the whole of London would be watching my every move. Lou turned to me trying to make eye contact, he could tell that even though I was silent, there was a million and one thoughts going through my mind that were far from positive.
“It’ll be okay, this is normal in our world, they’ll get over it in a week and everything will fine!” he said assuringly while putting his arm around my shoulder, comforting me,
Yes, this was normal in his world. But not in mine. Back at home I couldn’t even deal with people gossiping about me, I could never cope with things like that. And now, now, I had to handle the whole of London’s judgement and constant gossip about me.
“Are you alright love?” Lou asked with his voice genuinely concerned,
I grabbed my phone and eagerly began to look through the emails Emily had sent me. Lou was right. One of them was a link to SugarScape’s article, and the other four were from other blogs and news websites blowing up about Zayn and I and Zayn’s past relationships. The thoughts I had from yesterday morning after I watched myself kissing Zayn on T.V. all came back to me. Why was everyone calling Zayn a ladies man?
I looked at Lou with eyes full of doubt, “Lou.. why is everyone talking about Zayn’s past relationships? And saying his a ladies man? What am I missing?”
He sighed, “I knew you were going to think like this, I know how it is. That’s why I wanted to come and talk to you alone before any of the other boys found out.” he shuffled over and brought up his legs onto the couch, crossing them as he turned to me, “The media love to get onto Zayn and his relationships. He has had a lot of girlfriends, that never really lasted long. Thus the ‘ladies man’ title. I can’t even keep track on how many times he has made headlines.” he stared into the distance, probably trying to count,
“This is what I’ve been afraid of…” my heart skipped a beat and everything inside of me just felt empty. I knew something bad like this would happen and yet I still went for it, and look at the consequence. Zayn for sure was going to break my heart and I was going to be just another name on his list. It was only a matter of days till all of this was over and I would have to face the heartbreaking reality of loneliness, once again. Nice one, Holly.
Lou swept his fringe to the side and frowned, “You’re a lovely girl Holly. Zayn has told us a lot about you and just from meeting you for a day, I can see why he sees so much in you.”
I let out a fake laugh, “Yeah, but that won’t last long. Soon enough I’ll be just out of your lives any moment now! ..Just another girl on his list.” I looked down at my phone, eyes beginning to burn, forcing myself to suck those tears back up again. I was not going to cry in front of Lou. I was not going to cry over something that was my own fault.
Lou gave me a quick hug immediately sensing that it was exactly what I needed in that moment, “Holly, the media have got it all wrong,” …“Zayn doesn’t date all these girls just cause he wants to or just cause he’s a ‘player’, he does it for love.”
I looked back up at Lou interested in what he had to say, half hoping it would turn this horrible mood upside down,
“He’s one of those guys who is constantly finding that one special girl. So he’ll take risks as soon as he finds a girl he likes even a little. Which frankly to me is all wrong. But he’s a sucker for love. He always realises a couple days into the relationship that she isn’t at all who he’s looking for, and well, dumps them. I know it sounds crazy, and it’s going to be hard to believe what I’m going to say next, but this kid is falling for you hard and fast. You’re definitely different.”
I didn’t know how to take all of this in. In a way, it let him off the hook of the whole ‘player’ thing I got him down for but at the same time, I genuinely thought he wanted to spend all that time with me just because he wanted to see me every day. Not because he was taking a risk to see if I was the one who he was looking for.
“I’ve never seen him put this much effort into someone, or talk about someone to the point where I know almost everything about you, he’s absolutely smitten.”
I half smiled, “I’m just so scared..”
“Of what?” he asked tilting his head,
“Of being heart broken.” it was the first time I had opened up about my feelings to someone this quickly, Lou had broken one wall down that was incredibly delicate to touch.
He smiled and patted my head, “Trust me on this one. You’re not like all those other girls. I know Zayn inside and out, probably better than he knows himself. He’s absolutely smitten.”
The corners of my mouth had felt like they reached up to my ears, hearing those words from Lou made me feel a lot safer and a new found trust in him was now present.
“There we go! A smile! Finally!” he said, “And to be honest, I’ve taken quite a liking to you! You won my respect when you beat the FIFA king.” he nudged at my side smirking,
We both laughed sharing a special moment together that made me feel like this was definitely going to a great friendship. I gave him hug and thanked him, “This is the first time I’m happy that someone woke me up so early in the morning. So feel special! But! If you ever do it again, there will be consequences!” I announced while poking him in the stomach,
He laughed and nodded, “Yes okay! Calm down!”
Our attention was quickly drawn to a sound outside from where all the other boys where sleeping, like a loud thud. We looked at each other and slowly crept towards the other room to find Zayn rubbing his head and frowning.
“Zayn?” I asked whispering for the sake of everyone else who was sleeping around him,
His eyes slightly widened and a look of worry was splashed all over his face, “Holly .. you’re awake?” and then he looked at Lou beside me, ”..Oh and you too Lou, why are you guys awake?”
I stared at him while Lou made up a bullshit answer to why we were up so early, noticing he had his pair of trainers in his hand,
”..Zayn? Are you going somewhere?” I asked puzzled,
“It’s nearly 5:30 in the morning, where could you possibly have to go?” Lou added,
“Ermm..” he said looking down at his trainers and then back at us as if he was caught doing something bad, “My friend just called me, needs to be picked up now, …she doesn’t have a way home.”
“She?” I asked with a little too much attitude in my voice,
Zayn and Lou exchanged looks both frowning at one another as if Lou knew exactly who he was talking about, they continued shooting dirty looks across the room while trying to make it not obvious that nothing was wrong. But it didn’t take a genius to realise something was going on. Lou turned to me smiled, and began to walk up towards Zayn. More angry looks were exchanged between the two as they whispered to eachother to what sounded like an argument. They kept whispering and looking back at me every so often which then made me realise, it had something to do with me. I stood there awkwardly trying to see if I could pick out even just one sentence, ‘What’s wrong with you? Don’t go, what about Holly?’
‘Don’t go, what about Holly?’ I repeated in my head, what in the hell did that mean? I tried concentrating even more this time to make out their murmurs, ‘Are you thinking straight right now Zayn? If you go and she finds out, you’re going to ruin what you’ve been dreaming and dying to find, which is her.’
My heart began to race as the words circled around my head. What the hell was going on!
Zayn’s phone continued to buzz over and over again, and he just stood there staring at his screen. He bit his lip and looked back up at Lou with a heartless look in his eyes then turned to me, “Go to bed babe, I’ll be back in an hour! Promise!”
And with that he brushed passed a pissed off looking Lou, shoved his trainers on and was out the door.
First promise broken.

31 Days.. (a zayn malik fanfiction)
Fanfic[✔ COMPLETED] This story is about a girl named Holly.. She and her friend,Emily,where in London just for a tour.. One fine day,Holly bumps into a guy.. Then she notices that he is Zayn Malik form the worlds biggest band.. ONE DIRECTION.. he then ask...