Chapter 83: Death of Kalyani: Fatal blow on Padma!!!

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Story Unfolds:

At a burning ghat of Anga: In a open field: The same day:

"Rukiye. (Stop it. At once.)"

A loud and clear female voice rang everyone's ears. It was a familiar One. Of the girl whom none had expected here. At the burning ghat. Before the pyre. Of a near and dear ones of her.

A man and his Minister was present in there. Along with a Purohit who was performing the last rites of the deceased soul.

A beautiful girl with proud steps and confident strides came near all. Her every steps were confident and her face was showing pride. Her attitude was quite regal. Her attire was royal. She extruded the persona of a Devi or Goddess. That was the reason why her every sister worshipped her as their Goddess. Her every curve of body was perfect and she looked quite younger than her actual age. She had a boon by Mata Parvati. Never to be aged. On this life. Her every movement was so proud that it sometimes felt like she was not a bit a low caste girl, rather a high caste one. It was the same reason why Nakul had made a mistake. To identify her origin. He thought her as a high caste girl. She was in realty. As she was an adopted daughter of a charioteer and a Dev Kanya or the real daughter of a God.

She was a paragon beauty herself. At that time in Aryavart she was called as the most charming Queen of a state of Anga. Her beauty was not in her round fair face or in her beautiful Big lotus flower shaped eyes. Her regal grace, loyal and loving nature, gentle attitude, golden heart, simple soul, cute smile, debonair personalilty and magnetic charm made all her fans. In that time of Dwapar age all loved her wholeheartedly and unconditionally. She hated none. None hated her. She was loved by all. From Kaurava to Pandava. From Duryodhan or Duryi to his most hated cousin Yudhhisthir or Yudhi. From Arjuna to Karna. Even from Gandhari to Kunti. From Bhism to Drona. From Bheem to Dushashan. From Dhritashtra to Mahamantri Vidur. From Nakul to Vikarna. From Sahadev to Yutyutsyu. For her this closeness to Pandava she was never misjudged by even Mama Shakuni. She was loved by all. She was trusted by all. She was respected by all. She was adored and loved by all. She was the backbone of all around them. She was the another enigma in this kind of Mahabharata stories. About whom we all knew almost nothing as she was never favorite of Ved Vyas. For choosing a man who was hated by Maharishi Vyas Dev. However let us focus on the story once again.

          Anga Raj Karna (amazed)

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          Anga Raj Karna (amazed)

A man narrowed his eyes to her face. The face was still not seen yet she was so familiar to him. Her every strides taken with confidence was screaming her identity to him. He knew her very well. She was his shadow that left him now. She was his first wife. She was known as Radheya Priya. She was the only woman among his other two young wives who was entitled by his name. Vrish ki Vrushali. She was none but Devi Padmavati herself.

She came near him and stood before. With a poker face. She looked like as if she had put on her mask. Once more. Of the Queen.

"Mukhagni mere Vrish karega. Aur koi nahin. (The last rite has to be performed by my son. Vrishasen. And none else.)" She uttered this firmly. In confident manner.

Vrushali Padmavati: Soul-mate of a Surya Putra (Karna Series 2) Where stories live. Discover now