Chapter 4 Sick and Rattle Snakes

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Wake up in the dark, Penny searched for the bathroom light that was on, getting out of bedfast which made her feel sicker to her stomach, she hurried to the bathroom and started throwing up anything that hadn't settled in her stomach. Mostly bile, and water that she had drank a little bit ago before finally falling asleep.

Once she was done, she paused, thinking that she should tell someone, but her mind just went back to when she had told Mrs. Reid she was sick. It wasn't a fun time, as she was being isolated and when she did get an appetite again, she wouldn't give her anything but baby foods and water. It was nasty and made her feel worse. On top of that Mrs. Reid still made her do homework when she really had wanted to sleep.

She could take care of herself, and she wanted to prove that, mainly to herself. Penny knew deep down that it would possibly displease her brothers, to know she is sick or felt sick. In the past, she learned that she needed to lie about being sick, but when one time a kid pretended because he wanted a break from school for a day, well that made it so that no one believed her. Since he said that she told him to do it, news flash she didn't, and the foster parents would get upset when she was really sick and throwing up.

The next morning waking up Penny just felt terrible, her head was pounding, and she felt like throwing up again. Penny sighed looking at her clock it said 5:56am you have got to be joking, ugh she just wanted to go back to sleep, but there was constant knocking on her door which made her head hurt so much more. She wanted to cry but took a few deep breaths trying to calm down. Then the door opened.

Penny pressed her face into the pillow, hoping whomever it was, would go away. It was way too early, and she just wanted to sleep. Her head hurt and she wanted to vomit again. Holton's voice was first very kind, but a little joking as well.

"Pens?" Holton walked older and shook her shoulder, the jostling around made her want to puke, she held it in. "Come on, kiddo, time to wake up, we made waffles."

"No." She told him, pulling the pillow over her head now. Waffles? Heck no thank you. Her Stomach hurt more.

"Well, it seems you are up. So, come on get up and start getting ready, Luke wants you down at breakfast at 6."


"Cause this is the time you need to start waking up."

"That makes no sense."

"Come on, you went to bed early, didn't you? You can't still tired?"

She let out a long sigh and grumbled sitting up. If she said yes, then Holton would call her a liar that much she knew. Her head still hurt, and she felt sick. Would she tell them? No, probably not, she didn't want their help with this, she can take care of herself. She reminded herself that she was just fine, and it was probably just allergies. Why did her head hurt so freaking much, and she just wanted to puke.

"Are you up and awake? Don't go back to sleep."

"Go away," she said laying back down, Holton gave her a bored look and then smiled, taking hold of her white duvet and then jerked it off, instantly she felt cold and looked at him, moving her feet to go under her pillow. Though Holton wasn't finished, he grabbed her around the waist tucking her under his arm and walked to the bathroom. With her arms trapped and only her face present he ran the cold water.

"You gonna wake up or I'mma wash your face for you," he told her smiling, he had remembered his father doing this to him when he was around her age. "What's it gonna be Pens." He said, in more of an older brother joking around voice than a very serious one. When she didn't answer, he started running his hand under the water, and going to press it again her face. She started to squirm wanting to get free, the movement hurt her ribs though and she winced.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16 ⏰

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