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"You can't run away from me."


When I open my eyes and search for Pete beside me he is no longer there anymore. I sat up and look around only to not find his clothes everywhere, he is gone.

I smirk, I can find him anyways.

That little kitten, he's mine.

Last night was amazing, I got my eyes on him since the first time I saw him in that bar, I don't usually go to that place but because of him, I go often, and it was last night when I first saw him closer, and I can't believe that he's the one who ask to slept with me, I declined at first because he's drunk but when he kissed me, I can't control my self.

The fate gave me a chance, and I didn't wasted it.

I got up whistling and took my towel, I recall what happened last night, and I saw him moaning underneath me, and remembering the sound of his  moan and whimpers, made me hard.

I shake my head and smile, I am really going to find you, Pete.


I already take a cold long shower and I am getting ready to work.
I serve my self a simple breakfast after that I take off to work.

When I arrive at the building I see everyone is busy, but they have enough time to notice me and greet, I reply them with a nod and a slight smile.

I go straight to the office to immediately start my work. I was in the middle of my work when my assistant knocks at the door.

"Come in." The man bow first before walking forward infront of my table.

"Sir, the interns will arrive next week, here." He handed me a papers, obviously the personal information of the interns. I accept the papers and put it aside, I don't have time to read it, I don't care who they are, the important thing is if they can work properly, I am not going to have any problem with them.

"You can leave." I said and he bow again before taking his leave.

The day go as my usual day, it is night time and when I go out of my office, everyone is fixing their stuff to leave. Everyone said goodbye, as usual I only reply them a nod.

This is my routine in weekdays, go straight to home after work, but in weekends I'll leave early to go see Pete.


I wonder where he is right now, what is he doing, can he remember me?

I shake my thoughts about him, because I don't want to recall our night, no long cold shower tonight, I'll sleep early.

But when I arrive at home, seeing my bed, I can't stop the flashing image of him on my head and as expected my manhood is erecting.

Fuck, I said I'll sleep early!

I take off all of my clothes and enter my shower, I look down at my erecting manhood, I turn on the shower and start stroking my self.

"Haah, Vegas, Vegas." Shit, him moaning my name last night, so sexy.

"Pete." I didn't stop the groans coming from my mouth while I am moving my hands up and down. He is unbelievable, how can he made me crazy this much.

I don't really the type of person who masturbate a lot, rather who likes to masturbate, If I am horny, I'll get myself someone to fuck, and no one ever makes me masturbate thinking about there crush like a teenager, except My Pete.


Today has a really long traffic so when I arrive infront of the building, everyone is rushing in, they are going to be late, but me as the owner of this company, no need to bother.

Always Remember You (VEGASPETE)Where stories live. Discover now