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"We both want each other, the difference is I don't only want you."


"Push me." I whisper.

"Push me if you don't want this." I look at Pete, who, is eyes closed.

I caress his neck, and rub my nose with his. When he open his eyes, our eyes meet, that's when he put his arms around my neck and leaned in to kiss me and so I accept it.

This kiss seems different for me, because this time, he's not drunk.
I deepen the kiss and swirl my tongue together with his, I feel his hand caressing my hair behind, I suck his lower lip, and hear his little groans.

I leave his mouth and go lower to his neck, I lick and suck not leaving a spot behind.

I lick the back of his ear and hear him calling out to me.

"What do you want, hmm, Pete?" I ask holding his neck on my hands, not choking him but just caressing it gently.

"This is wrong." He said but not moving nor pushing me.

"How could be this wrong?" My hand that is caressing his neck go up to his face to hold his check that is turning more red.

"Well, you are my boss." He said and he's kinda shy, I chuckle.

"Is that the only concern you have?" He look at me frowning.

"Tell me do you want me? Do you want this?" He pursed his lip and look away and I hold his chin to bring his face back.

"Tell me." The answer is obvious but I want to hear it from him.

"Yes." He covered his face after that, and because of that, I kissed his forehead to make him a little comfortable.

"If that's the case, you don't have to think about me being your boss, think of me as Vegas, and you not the intern, but my Pete."
He look at me intently and remove his hand on his face.

"Infact, we already fuck before." I added making him pout and cover his face again, I chuckle at his cuteness.

I stand up on my knees to remove my shirt and I see Pete peeking his eyes through his fingers, I hold his hands and bring it closer to me, stoping at my abdomen, his hands follows where I'm putting it, I let go of his hand but he didn't stop caressing my abdomen, we look at each other, and I feel his hand on my zipper, opening it. I let him when he push my pant down and I adjusted to help him take it off, after that I carry his upper body to remove his upper cloth, I thought he's not shy anymore but he cover his arms on his chest, blushing.

I remove his hands while bringing him to lay down again, I put it above him.

But he put it around my neck, I just let him and bring one of my hand down to take off his lower clothes, when I finally take of all of his cloth he remove his hand on my neck and put it below to cover his lower part, I chuckle.

"No need to cover, I already seen every part of your body, and it's all pretty." He blushed. I step back and remove his hands, he looks like a cat, my kitten, the blush on his check only add up to his ethereal beauty.

I spread his legs, while I hold eye contact with him, he watch me leaning down until my face is facing his ass, I stick out my tongue and lick his hole.

"Vegas!" I closed my eyes, and enter my tongue on his hole I hear him refusing and even closed his legs, but it only brings my head closer.

I hear him moan when I move my tongue inside.

"Ahh, more, Haaah." I add my middle finger inside and move it together with my tongue.

"Feels good~" Yeah, Pete, it does.

Always Remember You (VEGASPETE)Where stories live. Discover now