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"It's obvious that he want me, and I am a big lier if I say I don't want him too."


It's really traffic outside, I am almost late for my first day of internship, I run fast when I saw the elevator is closing, I blew a breath when I got in before it finally went up.

At the floor where I was assigned, I introduced myself together with the interns I am with, but I don't know who they are, we're not from the same university, everyone welcomed us with a warm smile, everyone seems friendly, and this is a good sign that this will be a good journey.

Or so I thought.

P'Kinn is touring us around, while he teach us how to use some things, and tell us about rules. This four girls seem interested about him so they throw questions to him, asking how old is he, which is 26, he's been working at this company for four years now, he said.

"Do you already have a girlfriend, P'Kinn?" and there, Film didn't hold her tongue anymore. We all laugh. Well, P'Kinn is really attractive, handsome, and he got a charming smile, I can't deny.

Jade, who is beside Film, elbowed here, but still P'Kinn answer them that there's none with a gentle tone, and the girls giggled, saying he's the type guy, the soft spoken one, and single too.

I, who is behind them, just chuckled.

"Excuse me." We all look at the man behind us. I saw him before when I was in my interview. He's P'Lek.

"Pete, right?" He look at me.

"The boss ordered you something." He said, so I said goodbye to P'Kinn and my co-interns, they left immediately, I walk forward to P'Lek. He said that the boss ordered me to get him coffee, I left after I got the name of the coffee I will order, the cafe is in the first floor so I used elevator.

When I got in the elevator a woman, who is seem a worker here, is carrying her son in her arms. The little boy is sleeping, the mother is caressing his head while smiling, she look at me and I gave her smile, she smiled back too.

Even if I don't have to, I'm silently thanking her for being a good mother.

I sigh.

Times like this, when I see a mother with their child, I always wonder, what would be my relationship with my mother look like if she didn't left?

I wonder if she will stand as my shield or another armor that would hurt me too.

But she already did the time she left me behind.

The elevator opens and I immediately proceed to get what I'm here for, but when I saw the cafe here inside, I frowned, why is there too many people, is it usually like this?

Looking at the poster beside, this company, which is a corporation of engineers, is hiring a newly graduates, maybe almost of this people is here to apply, but I can say that only a few of them will be hired. This corporation is number one in Thailand, they have a high standards, that is why I am very grateful to be an intern here.

I carefully look at where I'm walking, afraid that I might bumped into someone, and accidentally spell there coffee, I don't want to be a mess for my first day!

But still, I thicken my face and push my self through the first line even if there is so many people who got here first.

I was successful and got the coffee immediately, well I deserved to be serve first, this is for the boss!

I almost giggled at my thought, I just shake my head and left there, I was alone in the elevator until it stop at my floor, thanks it is the same floor where my boss office is.

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