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"Why are you doing this?" The little boy who is afraid and shaking ask his father who is behind, hugging him in one hand while the other hand is caressing his butt.

The little boy is about to cry.

"Because I want to" The psychopath father of him laugh after.

Tears slip down the face of the little boy.

He turn him around and hold his chin.

"It's okay." The father gently tell that to the little boy as of he really care like a true father should do, but he is not.

His father grab a gun from his pocket and put it in the bedside table.

"If you do something that I don't like, you know what's going to happen." The little boy wants to cry but he gave his father a glare instead.

His father throw him to the bed and rip his shirt, the little boy is trying all his might to fight.

"No! please!" His father of course won't listen to him, instead it started kissing his neck and squishing his butt.

The boy throw a punch on his face, but the father only reply him with a harder hit on the face.

"You can't fight me."

The little boy's father remove all his wearing and got naked infront of him.

He sat near the little boy's face and stroke his self.

The little boy started to cry because of what's happening to him.

When his father cum on his face, he look at him and saw him looking above he grab the opportunity and gather all his strength to push his father and immediately grab the gun and point it to his father.

"You can't pull the trigger." The father laugh, but the little boy is determined to get away so without a second thought he pull the trigger and the sound echoes in his ear, with a shaking hand he pull the trigger again and again with all of his strength gathered from his anger.

I woke up with a short breathing, I compose my self and wipe the tears that slip from my face.

I sat down and look outside the window.

That dream again. It's just a dream but I pity myself whenever my mind remind me that it is not just a dream, it happened.

I inhale and exhale my breathing and get up from the bed, I look at the clock and it's already 6 pm. Vegas was nowhere to be found when I went out from shower he only left a clothes for me on the bed and a note saying he'll be back in the evening.

I went to the kitchen to grab myself an ice cream, but there is none. I decided that I'll buy downstairs, I grab my wallet and left the condo.

Glad there is too many convenient store here, when I got my self an ice cream, I didn't went straight back to the condo, instead I found my self walking  in the street.

Having those dream, is making me remember everything that happen to me when I was younger. Those are painful, but what I did to my self when I am dealing with those was more painful, I look at my wrist where it happened to have so many scars, it is all healed now and invisible.

I am sorry self, I promise I won't hurt you again.

I sat on the bench anf kissed my wrist. While finishing my ice cream I found myself shaking from crying.

I just can't hold it.

Everyone see me as the person who have the brightest smile that would light up the whole room I was in, Some people I met would also ask me how I act when I am angry because I am so calm.

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