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I am in my office and discussing something with Lek when someone knocks on the door, Pete came in and I gestured Lek to go which he followed immediately.

Pete is holding a cup of coffee in his hand which he put in my table and bow.

"Your coffee, Khun Vegas." So we're back on that formality and 'Khun Vegas' again after moaning my name a nth time last night?

"You look tired, someone make you up last night?" I asked him making him gave a hard stare. I only smirk.

"Well, Sir. SOMEONE scammed me last night, saying only two rounds, but went all the way until I pass out." He crossed his arm and roll his eye, I chuckle at his cuteness and stand up, walking to him.

"Last night, that SOMEONE, just want to let you know that he would never get enough of you." I smile at him and lay a kiss on his forehead.

"Get on the work, and have a nice day." He smiled at me and nod before walking out.

"Nice ass." I said before he could finally grab the doorknob. He glare at me and shook his head before he left.


That cunning jerk! I shake my head for the nth time today. I settled on my desk and work on the blueprint they told me to fix.

After an hour, I'm also yawning for the nth time Film who is beside me ask me.

"You look like you didn't sleep, P'Pete, what did you do last night?" She leaned in to hear my answer, I smile and shake my head to her.

"Nothing, I just can't sleep last night." I tell her the truth but not the reason why I can't sleep. Not that it something normal to just talk about.

Lunch time comes and everyone in this floor is proceeding to get meals downstairs, others have their lunch box and is eating on their desk. I stand up to go with Film and Jade. While walking, I feel my phone vibrated, we enter the elevator and I pick my phone in my pocket.

I received a message from my grandma, she said I should go home in the weekend, i replied that I will and bring my phone back to my pocket.

"I hear that Khun Vegas' girlfriend arrived?" Film started gossiping again, she's like that. But who? Khun Vegas' girlfriend?
I listen intently to them.

"Yes, haven't you see, she walk pass us recently when she was heading to Khun Vegas'office?" Jade who was also active in everything lowly whisper to Film.

"Oh that Woman!" Film raised his point finger, realizing something.
"I saw her too, so pretty! They are perfect together." She added and the two started looking about like their mind is somewhere in fantasy or something.

I didn't mind them, but, Khun Vegas'? Girlfriend?

That jerk.


"Why are you quite, Pete?" Jade ask me. We are now eating in the canteen and I can't chitchat with them right now, I'm mad. I feel my grip on my utensils is tight.

"Let him be, Jade. He's tired, didn't get enough sleep last night." Jade nodded to Film and continue their topic again.

Why I am being like this! I crunched my face and focus my attention to my food.

"There they are, Jade!" I hear Film's hiss. They are looking behind me, I didn't turn around so I won't see them but they walk pass us, so if I don't close my eyes I won't see Vegas with a girl holding on to his arm like some teenager girl who just touched her crush, they're so close together and even when they sat down they didn't let go.

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