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"Khun Vegas! right there...ahh, ahh"

I can't help but moan out loud, Vegas is kneeling infront of me, my cock is appearing and disappearing in his mouth. On the other hand, the three of his fingers is moving in and out like a pro inside me. I don't know where to turn my head because of the pleasure he's giving me.

With his mouth moving fast I can also feel his tongue twirling inside. I almost roll up my eyes.
He speed up even more, both of his mouth and his fingers. Not that long that I feel my cum building in my stomach area.

"Hmm, Cumming! Khun Vegas." He take out his fingers inside me and also take out his mouth on my cock. I watch him stand up, and receive the smack he gave in my lips.

"Take a shower now, We'll be late." My mouth goes open, I look at him, dumbfounded and he only smirk. "I realize, it's more fun to do this later tonight. Save up your energy." 

I was resisting him earlier but then he followed me inside, then started doing those things to me! And then leave me like this?

That jerk.

I look at myself in the mirror and I look like a mess, lust is still visible in my face. My cock is standing straight too. I shook my head and turn to the shower, frustrated.

Hmp! As if I let you touch me tonight!

When I get out of the bathroom, I hear an oil sound from the kitchen. I wear my clothes and fix myself before going to Vegas.

"Breakfast, love?" That's the first thing I heard when I got in the kitchen. He got me a chair and motioned me to sit in their.

"You don't have to do this, Khun Vegas." I walk to him and sit on the chair he offered. I was shocked when he lay a kiss on my check.

"It's Vegas for you, Pete. Do I have to tell you many times?"

"I'm sorry."

"What about this, you'll call me Vegas in times like this, but it's Khun Vegas when we are intimate." He whispered the last parts on my ear making me shiver.

He sat on the opposite side of my chair and we started eating. After that we go together in the work. Throughout the day, we didn't see each other. I am at the parking lot when I saw Lek coming on my way.

"Khun Pete. This is the key card to Sir Vegas' place, he ask me to give it to you. He's out for urgent matter in another city, he'll be back on friday afternoon." Lek bowed after formally informing me those things. I pick the key card on his hand and awkwardly smile.

"Ahm, me and khun Vegas..."

"It's not my business to stick my nose into your relationship with the boss, if you excuse me." He bowed again and left, I watch him leaving and admired how professional he is. I sigh, I didn't get a chance to say thank you.

I easily got inside Vegas' condo with the key card in my hands, and I can't believe I have the right to this! I am not even Vegas' boyfriend.

I do my routine and go straight to sleep, when I woke up I received a text message from an unknown number, it's says good morning have a great day with a picture of flowers below.

Zooming in the picture, I saw a name written from a paper, it's Vegas'. I didn't get confused as of why he have my number, it's in the papers I passed for my internship, he probably seen.

I arrived at the building and guess what? The bouquet of flowers in the picture earlier is now on my table. I can't help but form a smile on my lips.

"Pete." I jumped from where I stand and pick the flowers, secretly removing the name tag.
I saw Film smiling big.

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