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"Khun Vegas, I want to ride you." My cock throbs at Pete's words. We just recovered from the orgasm of our second round, he says those word while looking at me with his head slightly turn to me, he's back facing me.

I leave him there, walking to the couch in the corner, I sat and gestured him to come which he followed immediately, straddling me. While he sat down, my cock is entering him slowly.

He hold on to my shoulder for support and started moving, first in a slow pace until he adjusted to make it fast. I put both of my hands on his waist but he remove it and pinned it on the wall behind me. I was amused by his move, and while watching his reaction every time my cock hit the deepest of his inside, the fire on me is growing more.

"Kiss me, Pete." I ordered, which he didn't seem to hear because he's so lost in the pleasure. He closed his eyes tight while biting his lips, trying to suppress his lewd and loud moan, still, loud whimpers coming out from his unholy mouth.

He has an angelic face, when he smile he look so innocent, but this Pete on top of me right now, is different. He's unholy, he look like a slut.

My slut, only mine.

I smirk from those thoughts and leaned in to kiss Pete, hard and with all of my hunger, for him.
His whimpers muffled inside our mouth. I didn't break the kiss, even if we are about to lost our breathing, We didn't, we continue until I feel Pete's pace slowing down. He is the one who break free from the kiss first and let go of my hands, putting it in his own waist and wrap his arms around my shoulder, getting closer to me.

I understand the situation and move his hips using my hold on his waist. I didn't start slow, I didn't gave him mercy, and go fast as I can until he can only scream my name.

"Khun Vegas!... Ah!... Khun Vegas, Khun Vegas." and he continue chanting my name. I speed up even more making us go crazy

"Oh god. Oh god, Ah! Khun Vegas!" I stand up carrying him but didn't stop thrusting. He hold on to me for his dear life.

I spread his butt cheeks wide apart, holding it and thrust my hips in animalistic pace. Pete is looking at me in the eye with his pleasured face, he couldn't stop his loud moans anymore. My mouth is forming an o, groans from me is unstoppable too.

I feel Pete's hole tightening, and I know he is cumming. With all of my might I bang him more with all of the speed I can do. I am cumming too. A few more thrust and we cum together. Pete rest his head on my shoulder, feeling tired. I sat down to catch my breath, Pete still clinging to me but his breath is calm, when I turn to him he's already sleeping.

I fix the hair that is touching his face and put it behind his ears, I take out my cock from him and carry him to my bedroom.

I lay him on the bed and after wiping his sweats with a towel I covered him with a the blanket, I lay beside him and after a while, joined him in a deep slumber.

I was awaken by a sniffing sound, when I turn to Pete, I saw him looking like having a nightmare. He is crying in his sleep.

"Pete...Pete..." I shake his body and he started mumbling things, but I can't understand, in so much worry, I shake him hard making him sit up, chasing his breath, he didn't notice that he's tightly holding my hands, I hug him.

"It's okay, I'm here... I'm here...shhhh." I hush him because he's still sniffing. He break the hug and wipe his tears.
He nod and gave me a smile. I look at him with worried eyes.

"I'm okay, just a bad dream." I nodded and I leaned in to the bedside table to pick the towel, I wipe it in Pete's sweat in the forehead and neck, I kissed his forehead and lay him on the bed with me, going back to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2023 ⏰

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