Chapter 13 Forever Falls & Meeting The Sungazer

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Ruby's POV Location: Team RWBY's Dorm

I was in my dorm getting ready for bed but I couldn't stop thinking about my brother and all the stuff he went through with us and his new family.

Ruby: *Mentally* I wish (Y/N) could forgive us but Dad just had to slap him and say mean things. *Sighs* I should talk to him and see what happens between us.

I was leaving the bathroom and saw Blake reading, Weiss finishing her homework, and Yang doing push-ups.

Yang: 95-96-97-98-99. *Interrupted*

Weiss: Yang, can you be a little quiet?

Blake: *Looks up from her book* I have to agree with Weiss on this one, I do want to finish reading this book without hearing any noises.

Yang: Unlike you two, I want to get stronger to be the best Huntress.

Weiss: *Annoyed* Look Xiao-Long, we all want to get stronger to be the best Huntress but that would also mean we need to study, something that you wouldn't know.

Yang: *Angry tone* And what is that supposed to mean?!

Weiss: It means you're nothing but a du-.

I decided to intervene before this got out of control, I didn't want one of my teammates and my sister to fight and get hurt.


When I was done shouting, everyone went quiet. Yang said nothing and just went to her bed, Weiss went back to doing her homework, and Blake well she was just reading her book like always. I went outside of my dorm with a smile to talk to little bro but I then saw Jaune standing out of his dorm which was weird.

Ruby: Hi Jaune, how are you doing and why are you outside your dorm, are you locked out?

Jaune: *Nervous* W-What n-no, I'm just ummm thinking, that's all.

Ruby: Oh ok, well I'll talk to you lat-. *Interrupted*

Jaune: Ruby, do you think I'm capable of leading, of being a leader like you and (Y/N)?

I didn't know what to say, I mean Jaune thinks I'm a great leader which I think to myself that I'm not and well, I don't really know about (Y/N).

Ruby: *Smiling* Jaune, you're a great leader and a great friend as well but you gotta ask for help when you need it. *Looking at Jaune* So tell me, what's going on and why you haven't been hanging around with us?

Jaune: *Looking down* If I told you, you wouldn't be my friend anymore, and will tell Ozpin.

I opened my mouth to say something but then Jaune's scroll started to vibrate. He looked at his scroll and then put it back in his pocket.

Jaune: *Fake smile* Hey Ruby, I have to go but I'll talk to you tomorrow on the field trip, okay?

Ruby: OK Jaune, see you tomorrow. *Mentally* Jaune, I wish you would open up to us. *Sighs*

I was walking to Team Freedom's dorm and luckily for me, they were just two doors away from us. Once I got there, I began to knock and I heard the sound of Amber "Just a minute" is what she said, while I kept thinking to myself "Little bro will never forgive me, this was a stupid idea maybe I should go back to my dorm and sleep" but I was soon out of my thoughts because I saw the door open and it was Amber.

Amber: How can I he-. *Looks at Ruby with and disgusted tone* Oh Rose, how can I help you?

Ruby: *Nervous smile* Well you see... I um... Just wanted to talk to (Y/N)... *Looking down* If you don't mind.

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