Chapter Three

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"YOU'RE SO CUTE!!!!" Wade said with me still in his arms.

"Put me down please." My face was smushed up against his.

"SO SUGOY!!!!!!"

"What the hell does that mean?"

"Don't curse! Your only six!"

"What the heck does that mean? Better?"

"Better." He put me down. "You know how I watch anime?"

"That's enough." I wasn't interested in Wade's anime, ever. He watches the weirdest crap, to ever exist.

"How wong have you been wike dis?" He grabbed the sides of my face and pushed them together. I swatted his hands away.

"For about 15 hours." I rubbed my eyes again. "I need to go to sleep."

"Can I sleep with you?" Wade jumped onto my bed.

"Shhhh! My parents might hear you!" I whispered.

"So what I'm hearing is yes?"

"Just don't, touch anything."

"Deal!" I climbed into bed next to him. He snuggled up very close to me, which I did not mind. His body was warm, and smelt like Axe, I loved every moment of it.


"PETER?!?!" Dad yelled. I woke slowly and analyzed the situation. Wade began to stir, and he was still holding onto me. He still had his suit and mask on, his belt and swords were leaning on my bed. "WHAT THE FUCK DEADPOOL?!?!" He sat up and saw my parents.

"It was fun while it lasted." He sighed. "By Petey." Wade quickly grabbed his stuff, and teleported away.


"WE DIDNT!!!!! HE LITERALLY JUST CUDDLED ME!!!!" My face was a bright shade of red and my hands were balled in fists. I feel the urge to, tantrum? I ignored it and stomped past my parents. I went into the kitchen and tried to show them I wasn't upset, which failed.

"What's bugging you Pete?"

"N- n- nothing." I began to climb up the side of the refrigerator; we put cereal on the top for some reason, it annoys me so much; to grab my own box. When I reached the top, I found that my trip were gone. "Who ate my cereal?" I growled. All of the Avengers looked around confused. "Natasha has her oatmeal, Bruce has his toast, Thor has his Pop Tarts, and Clint has his Lucky Charms. WHO TOOK MY TRIX?!?!" There was still silence. I threw down everything. The bread, toaster, Pop Tarts, oatmeal, milk, everything. I began to rip and tear them apart.


"Calm down!"

"WTF bro!"


I jumped off the fridge and began to stomp and kick the breakfast foods. Thor restrained me from behind, leaving my arms and legs flailing. Dad and Pop ran into the room.

"What's going on?!?!" Pop shouted. I stopped fighting against Thor. He dropped me on the ground and they all began to scream and shout at me.

I turned away from them. This six year old thing was really getting to me. Tears filled my eyes and I squeezed my hands in fists.

"STOP IT!!!"I yelled. I couldn't stop crying. "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT ITS LIKE TO BE ME!!!!!" I was furious, but still crying. I ran to my room and slammed the door. I locked my door, then I saw Wade sitting in my windowsill.

"Thought I'd just swing by." Wade laughed. He then saw the tears on my face. "What's wrong?" He hopped off and ran over to me.

"I don't know." I cried into him. "I want my family to like you, to like us." I began to choke out sobs into his shirt. He lifted me up like an infant.

"They don't like me because they know who I am. Who I was." I cried harder hearing that news. I loved Wade so much that just knowing my parents didn't like him made me want to scream. Now I'm a six year old boy with a fear of losing his favorite person in the world. I squeezed him tight. "I got you something." Behind him I saw a shoe box with newspaper wrapped around it.

"What is it." I said between sniffles. He put me down, and tossed it over.

"You'll love it." I opened the box to find a Deadpool jacket, and you could tell it wasn't for the six year old. I put it on, and it was very baggy. He put his hands on his face. "DAWWWWWWW!!!!"

"Thanks Wade." I gave him a hug. I love this man so much.

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