Chapter Thirteen

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"I can't. This is the work of Magic not tricks and illusions. If you need a magician find Dr. Strange." Loki's eyes were a brilliant, obedient, blue.

"Then take me to him!" I growled.

"It's not as easy as that. It will take a lot of energy to infiltrate his layer and bring him here."

"THEN DO IT!!!" Just do it! I love that vine! Have you seen the one where they put the Avengers in- "SHUT UP!!!"

"You want me to stop talking?"

"No I-" Was I really going to tell Loki about my voices. You should! The whole world needs to know about us! Or they'll lock him up in a mental institute, either works. I rubbed my face/mask. "I have voices in my head, so if you here me start talking to myself, then don't blame me!" Who else is he gonna blame? Society? "Do you wanna knife in our head?" I put the blade against my head.

"Wade?" I turned around and dropped the knife. Peter and his parents watched the entire scene. In my other hand, I held Loki's scepter. In result, I dropped that as well. "What's going on?" Steve asked.

"I beat Loki, and I have him, under my control...."

"Were you really gonna kill yourself with that blade?" Tony asked pointing to the knife covered in blood.

"Yes. No. I CAN'T DIE!!!" I slammed my face against my hand. Real smooth genius. Smooth like chunky peanut butter. That was bad even for you. I knowww.... "Shut up..." I mumbled to myself.


"What?" I sighed.

"You can't die?"

"Does it really matter?" I said in a high voice.

"Can you die?"

"NO!!! Okay, I can't die! Do I look happy about that fact? Nope!" I gripped my hands in fists. "LOKI BRING DR. STRANGE!!!" I shouted at him.

"Dr. Strange?" Thor walked in from another room? "Sorcerer supreme Dr. Strange?"

"Who else?" I barked. Why are we so tense? Because Wade's bugging out and doesn't want to lose Peter... "I'm not bugging out!" I screamed.

"Pool of Death!" Thor boomed. "Dr. Strange is a very powerful being, he could tear apart the fabrics of the universe with the snap of his index finger and thumb!"

"Huh?" A man with long black hair and a red cape appeared in front of us.

"WHY HAVE YOU SUMMONED ME!!!" We all looked at Loki. "YOU! THE ONE WITH THE MIND STONE SCEPTER!!!" He pointed directly at me.

"Umm.... Ummmm...." Don't say something stupid! To save my baby boy's life! That's extremely stupid.

"YOUR VOICES ANGER ME!!!" He snapped his fingers and two Deadpools appeared next to me. One was entirely red and wore a tutu, and the other was black, and looked more like Wolverine.

"We're free!" The one with the tutu ran out of the room, dancing.

"Good luck on your own Pooly." The one who had the black suit jumped out of the window. I stood in shock. Those were my voices. I looked back at Peter and his family, Steve's eyes were wide open, and Tony's mouth nearly touched the floor.


"To... Return him," I pointed at Peter, "back into a seventeen year old." I said nervously. He clapped his hands together and everyone and everything froze. Except for me and him of course.

"Why should I help you?" He said walking towards me.

"That boy is the only creature I care about in the entire universe!" I was fighting the tears in my eyes.

"You value him more than yourself?" He turned his head.

"I'm worthless! I'm the jigsaw puzzle missing 29 pieces! While Peter is a 5,000 piece puzzle."

"I fail to understand what you are saying?"

"I'm nothing compared to this boy! Nothing! He has such a bright future! He was even about to graduate next year! I'm not going to let him have to wait another 11 years before he can blossom into the superhero he was born to be!"

"I would need something in return..."


"What about your immortality?"

"My who what where now?"

"You don't know? You're healing factor is so strong that your an immortal."

"I'm sorry buddy, I didn't do well in school. Can you please explain to me what that is?"

"Eventually all human's grow old and die. Immortals, they never die, unless through battle damage and harm." There was a pause. "You, of course, still can't die, until you reach the certain age you're supposed to die at."


"You'll still have your healing factor, but you won't die until you become really old. And you can't die until then."

"Deal!" He lifted his hand and a blue aurora floated out of me, and into him. I fell on the floor. That stuff really takes the life out of you.

"Now I will return to you your voices."

"Will I die if I stab my self in the head?"

"No. You won't die until your required age." I nodded. He snapped his hand. What was that suppose to- WADE!!! I MISSED YOU!!! Oh god no. No! Why am I here again! I was gonna hook up with some ladies! He clapped his hands and Peter and his parents unfroze. "STAND BACK EVERYONE." He thundered.

He lifted Peter into the air and a purple bubble surrounded him. Lightning and other things flew out of the Doctors hands. The ball grew and grew each second, until it popped. Peter fell on the floor with a hard 'umph'. I ran up to him excitedly. To see he was-! 6. Oh Wade. We'll find another one. "But I don't want another one." I whispered. I fell on the floor gasping for air. I had to take my mask off because I was crying so hard, I could barely breathe. He's gone. He's actually gone.

"I don't know why it didn't succeed. This must be greater than my power." I cried even harder. Nothing is more powerful than him. Someone touched my back. I looked up to see Peter.

"Why are you sad?" He asked.

"I just lost my best friend." I managed to say.

"I can be your best friend." He smiled.

"I would like that."

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