Chapter Fourteen (I can end the story right here, or continue you choose.)

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I never put my mask back on. I spaced. I forgot. Peter began talking with me, but I tried to hide the pain in my voice. "-And I hid under my bed. Loki found me when I accidentally kicked the bed post!"

"Yeah, that's pretty cool." Loki left with Thor to be locked up once again. Dr. Strange left with Loki and Thor to explain to Odin what happened.

"And then he made me fall asleep. I don't know how, but it was pretty cool." I nodded. Steve and Tony gave me this special time with Peter so I could say goodbye. It killed me to see him like this. Maybe if Doctor Strange would've gotten here sooner, he'd be alright. "And when you started to fight Loki. You were all boom pow! And he was all wachang! With his scepter. He was good but you were better!"


"And I actually thought you killed him. Silly me! Loki can't die!" He shouted excitedly. A tear slipped down my face, I was going to miss Peter so much. He yawned. "I wanna take a nap." I nodded. "Will you take one with me?" Say no Wade! Leave right now so you don't become attached.

"Sure." I lifted him into his bed. I slept on the side closest to the wall. "Goodnight Petey." I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


I woke up to a warm body hugging mine. It kissed me. "Good morning Peter." I groaned.

"Good morning Wade..." Did he just call us Wade? My eyes snapped open. I looked over to my side.

"PETER!!!" I screamed over joyed. He wasn't 6 anymore! But how! Who cares! I tackled him off the bed and on to the floor. I squeezed and hugged him.

"WADE WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!" He shouted.


"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!?!?!" I threw him in front of the mirror. "I'M SEVENTEEN AGAIN!!!" I kicked the bottom of his foot causing him to fall back, I caught him in mid fall. I pulled his face close to mine and began to passionately make out with him. I rubbed my hands through his hair. He grabbed my face and pushed us in closer. His dads entered the room, and stared. We can't stop! We just got him back! He pushed off of me and blushed. I couldn't stop giggling. I skipped and danced around the room.

"PETER'S BACK!!!" I sang. "HE'S BICKIDY BICKIDY BACK!!!" His dads hugged him and laughed along with us. "MY BABY BOY IS BACK!!!" I ran up to them and joined in the group hug. I was loving every moment of this.

"We never thought we were going to see you again!" Steve laughed.

"This guy named Doctor Strange had to come and help save you!" Tony smiled.

"I gave him my immortalness so we could be together!"

"Wait, your immortal?!?" Peter questioned.

"WAS immortal. Now I'm just a mutant that can't live forever! We'll talk about that later. LETS GO SHOW EVERYONE YOU'RE OKAY!!!" I lifted him above my head and ran out of the room.

"WADE!!!" They screamed at the same time. Heh, classic Deadpool.

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