Chapter One

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Me: Ill text u back later, the city needs my help

Wade: Cant u just let a few civilians 😲, i love talking 2 u


Wade: Sorry. But 4 real tho message me asap, luv u babe

Me: Bye

I put my phone down, then jumped off the building I was sitting on. The cold air ripped through my mask, leaving cold chills striking my entire body. I smiled to myself, this is one of the reasons I wake up in the morning for. Until something bad happens. A certain OSCORP bomb hit the back of my suit and made me crash into a wall. "Right on time." I whispered sarcastically.

"Hey Pete." Harry lifted me up by the collar of my suit. "How's life going for ya? Are you still morning over Gwen." Tears threatened to fall from my eyes.

"Nnnno." I tried to stay strong.

"Well to bad. She was such a pretty girl with such a bright future." I punched him in the face as hard as I could.

"SHUT UP!!!"" I jumped on his glider and we began to fight.

"Looks like I'll need my special reinforcements." A hand grasped around my neck and lifted me into the air. Loki.


I came through the doors of the Stark Tower with my Spider-Man suit on, no mask. I didn't even care at this point, I kinda just had a battle to the death. My arms and legs were tired. Not to mention it wasn't just Harry, Loki was there too. My arms and legs were trembling and I was beyond tired. Loki did his whole trickery and magic thing, leaving me behind in the dust. Not to mention Harry was also there. God I'm tired.

When the elevator hit floor 28, I stepped out. I smiled at my family. They were staring blankly at me. 'Surprise I'm Spider-Man,' I thought sarcastically. I think they began to say words, but I couldn't hear anything over the sound of my sleepiness. I ignored them and went straight to my room. Clothes were all over my floor and bed, but I honestly didn't care. I flopped down on top of the mess and closed my eyes. So tired....... My door opened, Dad and Pop entered without any warning.

They began talking, but once again, I'm not listening. Fast and suddenly, the world began to blur. I lost control of everything I was doing, fell off my bed, and landed hard on the floor with a thud. The last thing I could see was the color green.


I felt two strong arms wrapped around my body, holding me bridal style, but the thing was, I was snuggled against the chest and barely dangling from the arms. I slowly began to open my eyes. "Pop?" My voice was high and small. I rubbed my face with my hands. My small baby hands. My eyes opened as wide as they could. I'm only 3 feet tall! I'm officially freaked out. I was wearing a Spider-Man hoody and itty bitty sneakers. "I'M A KID?!?!"

"You're a six year old." Bruce corrected. I was very short and my brown hair hung in my face.

"You're kidding?" I pushed by hair to the side in an attempt to make it look nice. Pop put me down on the ground. I was struggling to find balance with the short stubby legs I had just gotten. I fell forward and nearly face planted, but my spider senses kicked in and prevented any injuries.

"How did this happen?" Dad asked while ruffling my hair.

"Loki and Harry-"

"Osborn?" I nodded.

"He had genetically enhanced disease due to the spider venom."

"The one that gave you your powers?" Pop questioned.

"Yup. And it nearly killed him."

"But why? It gave you your powers and you're okay."

"Yeah, but it has my DNA pattern."

"How would you know that? Don't tell me you continued looking for-" I cut dad off.

"I'm sorry." I put my hands in my lap. "I just want to know where I came from." There was an awkward silence. "He put his DNA in the spider, not just a standard human's. And Harry didn't listen to my warning."

"What are we gonna tell the rest of the team? Our 17 year old son is now 6?" Pop sighed.

"I guess so." I frowned.

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