Chapter Seven

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We all came marching out of my room hoping and praying to God that Thor brought Loki. My young 17 year old life depended on it. Wade nearly died when he found out I might never turn back. Thor walked proudly through the living room with no Loki at his side. "Greetings fellow Avengers! And young Peter."

"Thor, where is Loki?" Dad face palmed.

"My father Odin would not allow me to bring Loki to Midgard, his punishment stands with no exception." We all frowned at his news. "But that does not mean he is not coming to Midgard. I may have given him back his scepter, and he may be coming to the Tower of Avengers to fix Peter. Hopefully soon."

"Thor? You can break rules?" Wade said astonished.

"How do you think I came upon Midgard? I was banished by Odin himself." He smiled.

"Thor we only have a certain amount of time before I turn into a six year old forever." I was beginning to sweat. I can tell you one thing, stress is not good for a six year old. I felt like my entire body shut down. It was hard to breathe and my body was violently shaking. My knees buckled and I collapsed on the floor.

"What's going on?" Wade asked with concern in his voice.

"He's having an anxiety attack." Dad glared at Wade, as if saying, 'Get out.'

"I want him to stay." I managed to speak. I slowly began to calm down. I hated the feeling an anxiety attack gave me. My chest burned, my hands were clammy, I was very shaken, and I felt like I was going to cry.

"I'll stay right here Petey." Wade smiled down at me. I don't know how I would be able to survive without Wade. I'd probably commit, or go insane. I would prefer not to go into detail of what I would do. But I love Wade with all of my heart.

"I love you Pooly." I said beginning to stand up once more.

"Awwwwwwwwww." Aunt Nat said walking into the living room. "You two are as cute as your Dad and Pop." She laughed."You know, not be a creep, I know your identity Pooly." Nat smiled at him. "Or should I say Wade?"

"Wilson?" Pop asked.

"THIS ISN'T ABOUT ME IT'S ABOUT PETER." He said trying to change the conversation.

"Wade Wilson? The one from Peter's class?"

"Does it really matter?" He asked.

"Lets see your face Wilson." Nat smiled. "SHIELD hasn't seen your face since the 9th grade."

"Peter feeling any better?" Wade was trying his best to change the subject of the conversation.

"Guys just leave him alone, he doesn't want you to see his face." I snapped.

"Wade, if you want to be able to stay in this tower, let us see your face. I know you're decent looking from your past photos." Dad insisted.

"Dad just stop!!!" Wade was beginning to bug out. "Wade just go and calm down. I'll meet you in my room." He looked paralyzed, as if he didn't even here me.

Wade's POV:

"Peter feeling any better?" Nice cover up Wade. Shut the hell up. Just take your mask off so they'll shut up. No. They'll think of me much different than I am.

"Guys just leave him alone, he doesn't want you to see his face."

"Wade, if you want to be able to stay in this tower, let us see your face. I know you're decent looking from your past photos."

We should just leave before anything else happens
We have to stay here for Peter's sake.
And why is that? We're going to lose him anyway.
Don't think like that.
Will you two please stop?
Make us. Oh wait you can't! BOOOOM!
I bet the author liked that. I bet she also likes that we're not sticking to our scripts.
You're not suppose to. That's why you're insane.
"Stop..." I began mumbling to myself.


Peter's POV:

Wade looked crazy. He stood in the middle of our floor. He was slightly fidgeting and talking to himself. "Wilson?" Pop waved his hand in front of his face.

"Stop..." He whispered.

"WADE!!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"Huh?" He rubbed his mask.

"As I was saying," Dad continued. "We already know your identity, what difference would it make if we saw your face?"

"Every difference. You'd see the real reason they call me Deadpool." His voice went serious again. I hated it when he got like this. "The only person whose seen my face is your son." He paused for a moment. "I'm a hideous freak. I haven't seen my face in months. Who in their right mind would just volunteer to see my face?" 

"Me." He looked down at me and I knew he was smiling.

"That's why you're more mature than me, even as a six year old." The kind, sweet, Deadpool-ish voice returned to his voice. He grabbed the bottom of his mask and slowly began to pull up. I loved Wade's face. I loved every single thing about it. Only that face could belong to Wade, and it was beautiful. Every single scar, scratch, or rip had a different side of him I need to discover.

"That's the Wade Wilson I know." I smiled back. He covered his eyes, nose and mouth. Why he was insecure, I'll never know, nor will I dare to ask. Dad's face showed interest and disgust, Pop showed understanding and interest, Thor showed the same. Nat, I couldn't read her face as usual. "Move your hand Wade." I said gently. He dragged his hand down, showing his beautiful blue eyes. He finally put his hand down and exposed the rest of his face.

"Now you guys know." He said nervously. I ran up to him and hugged him. He picked me up.

"And now you have no reason to be a dink to Wade." I faced my parents and crossed my arms. Wade put me back down and reached for his mask.

"There's no need to do that son." Pop smiled at him.

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