Chapter 7

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Luna is taking a stroll in the university campus with Rebecca and Teresa while waiting for Malcolm. She noticed a narrow path leading to a cobblestone pathway . At the end of the pathway is a milky white rose garden.

' Nothing has changed. It is exactly as I remember. The same cobblestone pathway, the milky white rose garden, the chipped cupid statue, even the forgotten fountain , the church and the wall I had my first kiss.

'Everything is here , only I am in the dark. I have to get my answers.'

Luna was trying to remember her past when suddenly Luna fainted and fell to the ground. Rebecca tried to keep holding her up but she couldn't.Teresa who was roaming near by came running to pick her up. They informed Malcolm who came rushing.

Malcolm: what happened?(loudly while trying to pick her up)

Teresa: s..she was walking through the garden then she suddenly fainted and fell to the ground.

Malcolm carried her to the car and drove her to the hospital.

After sometime

Luna opens her eyes in the hospital bed where Teresa and Rebecca are sitting next to her and Malcolm was talking  to the doctor.

Doctor: It seems like she fainted because of stress.
She will be fine after resting for a while.

(upon noticing that Luna regained her consciousness)

Malcolm: Tia are you alright?

Luna: Yes I am okay.

Malcolm: What happened? How did you faint?

Luna: I don't know... I was trying to remember something and then l fainted.

Malcolm: Looks like you have over exhausted yourself. Please don't push yourself too hard, it's not good for you.

Luna nods her head in reply.

' This hospital and the room are so familiar , I have been here before.
Yes I remember, I came here but when was it?'

Malcolm: let's go home now. I have got the Anti stress medicine that the doctor prescribed.

Luna: hmm... Okay

While they were outside the hospital and near the car parking, some memories came flooding to Luna.

A much younger Luna dressed in a white dress which has blood marks all over , being pulled by Maria and Jacob towards a car.

Luna: wait I need to meet Alex I have to tell him something, I can't go like this please leave me

Maria: you will not see anyone, you are coming with me right now.

Luna: please I beg you let me find him,
Alex! Alex! (Screaming)

Maria: Enough! Get inside the car.
Jacob let's leave right now I don't want to stay in this town even for a minute.

Present day

Luna suddenly halts where she was when she recalled this memory.

Malcolm: What happened why did you stop?

Luna: No it's nothing let's go.

She glanced at the hospital one last time before getting inside the car.

Next day Malcolm and Luna along with the twins came back to Coelho Mansion.

After sometime passed Luna started to look around the mansion to find any clue related to the time she used to live in Pacheco  village.

So after looking at all the rooms of the mansion she went to comb through the attic. After hours of searching Luna found a wooden box which seemed familiar to her. Inside the box she found a very old set of binoculars , a model of a windmill, a small tin box which had some band-aids in it , which looked like they were already used before, a Polaroid camera and a diary. All of the things were very familiar to her but she couldn't clearly remember any memories about them . She opened the diary but the attic was so dark that she couldn't read anything and decided that she would like to read it in the comfort of her room.

Luna came out of the attic to her room, she looked at her hands and clothes how dirty  they have become .

Luna: Eww! I have become so dirty. No .. this won't do, I need to get cleaned up. She turned to take a proper look at herself in the mirror.

Eeekkk!! I am so dirty, I need to take a bath. Teresa can you take out some clothes for me while I take bath and come!

Teresa: Sure Miss T.

Some time later

Luna : Finally I can read the diary.

Knock ,knock  (someone knocked on the door)

Luna: Yes, who is that?

Voice outside the door: It's me Barnabas Miss T, Master is calling you to the dining room.

Luna: Okay tell him I'll join him in a moment.

The dining room

Jacob was already sitting on his chair while Luna and Maria pulled there respective chairs and sat down.

Jacob: It has been quite sometime since we  had dined together. Let's enjoy the dinner.

After sometime

Jacob: I had something to discuss with you two.

Maria: About What?

Jacob: Lazarus came to my office a couple of days ago, he was saying that it has been quite long that Tia and Malcolm got engaged, so he doesn't want to delay the official announcement of their engagement any farther.

Maria: But we already agreed on waiting until Tia gets completely fine.

Jacob: Yes we did , But Tia is already much better now, so I don't see any problem with it.
It will also be good for her to stay at Mandes estate for a few days.
What do you say Tia?

Luna: ..... Please give me a little time to think about it. I am not very comfortable with going somewhere else.

Maria: I am not even sure about the announcement just yet and you are already planning to send her there?
What about Tia 's treatment? She still needs to get her physiotherapy to move freely.

Jacob: Who can care more about her treatment than Malcolm! He has already appointed the best physiotherapist and has made all the other arrangements. I will go there to check everything personally.

You should think about it seriously Tia. It's about time you return to your normal life.

Maria: I am still against this idea.

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